Man Exchanges Blood with Teenage Son in Extreme Quest for Eternal Youth

by time news

2023-06-01 11:07:10


Who wouldn’t want to be able to flaunt an eternally youthful appearance? For many, the thought of growing old is not easy, even though it is a natural and irreversible process. There are, of course, remedies to delay the appearance of wrinkles or to eliminate those already present, using expensive beauty treatments of varying intensity. However, one man has caught the attention of the media because he has tried in every possible way to find the elixir of eternal youth, spent large sums to do so and arrived at a truly extreme solution: exchanging his blood plasma with that of his father and his son.

via New York Post




Brian Johnson, a 45-year-old technology magnate, is obsessed with the idea of ​​aging not just aesthetically, but biologically: the biohacker has gained worldwide popularity for his tenacity to invest millions of dollars annually in the pursuit of eternal youth , funding research teams and advanced medical procedures. Johnson, who previously received blood transfusions from an anonymous donor he personally selected and was in perfect health, received plasma from his 17-year-old son Talmage and in turn donated it to his father Richard.

The three family members underwent the procedure at a clinic in Dallas, Texas, where Bryan’s son had a liter of blood drawn, which was then separated by a machine into liquid plasma and red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.

Subsequently, the resulting substances were injected into Johnson’s veins in an attempt to repair tissue damage caused by time and rejuvenate the body, replacing the aged blood with that of a young donor to prevent deterioration. The same procedure was then performed on Richard with Bryan’s blood. A measure that was considered decidedly drastic, but apparently the man managed to reduce his biological age by more than five years within two years: according to a doctor’s opinion, his heart would be 37 years old and his skin 28, while the physical and lung capacities would be comparable to an eighteen year old.

The science regarding blood transfusion as a method of anti-aging biologically is not yet established, but it has been tested on rats. With his son’s blood, Bryan should receive an internal rejuvenation that will be reflected on the outside, although scientific studies on this have not yet been completed.


Richard, for his part, seems to be the most fortunate, with his son, one of the most healthy and sporty people on earth, as a donor: “Yes, I won the lottery. It must be an advantage to have so much volume from him to get.”

Johnson’s lifestyle, which he describes as Project Blueprint, includes using glasses that block blue light at certain times and consuming 1,977 calories per day. His goal is to keep the brain, kidneys, liver, skin and other organs functioning like an 18-year-old’s. Many, including doctors, find his obsession with aging an expression of a strong fear of mortality: what do you think?

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