Managers or not, more and more employees are going green

by time news

More space, more square meters, less stress… In recent months, the arguments in favor of “the little house in the country” have come up again and again at dinner parties in town. It remained to be seen how many employees were moving from words to action.

Official figures from the statistics department of the Ministry of Labor (Dares) have just come out and confirm the phenomenon: more and more employees are leaving Paris and the city centers of major cities to settle in a more rural environment.

« Between the months of April 2020 and 2021, departures more than 100 kilometers from Paris increased by 34% (…) and arrivals there fell by 12 %”, indicates the Dares, in a study entitled “What geographical mobility of private sector employees during the health crisis? “, published Wednesday, March 16. That is 4,000 more moves and 1,600 fewer arrivals over one year. A trend “already started” before the health crisis, specifies the statistics service of the ministries of labor, due to the soaring prices of the Parisian square meter.


The loss of love for the big city also reached the provinces. Over one year, employees who moved more than 100 kilometers left more departments with a large metropolis (+ 3 points), in favor of a rural department.

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Even if the territories of “deep France” remain minority drop-off points, their share in the total of moves over 100 kilometers climbs from 26.3% to 28.6% over one year. Conversely, in April 2021, the proportion of departures from major cities reached almost a third of long-distance moves (29%).

In view of the map drawn up by Dares, the departments which benefit the most from this renewed attractiveness are mainly the territories located two hours from Paris: Orne (61), Loir-et-Cher (41) and Dawn (10). In this redistribution of the cards in favor of rural areas, Dordogne (24), Haute-Vienne (87) and Lozère (48) also do well. In these departments, the price of a house can show a zero less than the same property located in Île-de-France.

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Undoubtedly, teleworking has facilitated this greening. “Are particularly concerned [par ces déménagements] the fields of administrative, accounting and financial services, IT or even banking and insurance”, notes the statistics service of the Ministry of Labor. In other words, activities that can be easily carried out remotely.

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