Mandarin tourism – El Comercio

by time news

2023-11-19 07:05:00

By mistake I took a container of “clementine” instead of orange juice and I only realized my mistake the next day, at breakfast time. I cautiously poured the respective glasses of my wife and my daughter Thaiz, who was the first to express her admiration for the deliciousness of this “tangerine” juice that she definitively replaced orange juice during our stay in Paris.

Upon returning to Baños de Agua Santa, from El Pingue, about 15 minutes before arriving, you see countless stalls and huts, with no space to park, where farmers spend the whole day waiting for someone to stop – risking a crash. – and make a purchase of their tangerine covers that, due to excess supply, fall at a price that does not even justify the harvest value.

This fruit déjá vu has been going on for decades, it extends to the town of Río Negro and no one encourages farmers to process the fruit and sell it as juice, jam, caramelized or turned into liquor; in that gigantic market of 1.5 million consumers who come to Baños de Agua Santa, where thousands of people walk with their bottle of dead water, which does not even quench their thirst because it has undergone so many purifications that it has nothing to contribute to the human body.

Recently in Uruguay I noticed that in all the places I visited, they offered orange juice made at that moment in machines that squeeze the fruit in seconds, no one was selling oranges, only their delicious and healthy juice. They don’t bottle, but the abundance of these machines surprised me and pleased me because of the ease with which visitors can drink this elixir full of vitamins C that strengthens our immune system.

Ecuador has an abundance of raw materials. This season several trucks full of oranges came to sell us, fighting among themselves who gives the cheapest, when the smart and productive thing would be for them to bring us bottled juice to serve in our hotels. In Ecuador there is always wealth to be taken advantage of.

#Mandarin #tourism #Comercio

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