Mandate poll: Netanyahu can smile and Smotrich can be calm

by time news

8 days until the elections. A new mandate survey published this evening (Monday) on Channel 14 and conducted by the Direct Falls Institute, shows that if the elections were held today, the right-wing bloc led by Benjamin Netanyahu would have won 62 mandates, as in the channel’s previous survey. In addition to this, as in the previous poll, Likud with 34 seats and religious Zionism, despite Bezalel Smutritz’s harsh statements, remains with 12 seats.

Channel 14 survey In collaboration with Direct Falls:

Likud – 34, Yesh Atid – 23, the State Camp – 12, Religious Zionism – 12, Shas – 9, Torah Judaism – 7, Yisrael Beitenu – 6, Meretz – 5, Havoda – 4, Hadash-Ta’al – 4, Ream – 4.

Do not exceed the blocking percentage:

Balad – 2%, the Jewish Home – 1.9%, economic freedom – 0.4%, the economic party – 0.2%, young people on fire – 0.2%.


Gush Netanyahu – 62
Gush Lapid and the Arabs – 58.

The question of suitability for the position of Prime Minister:

Benjamin Netanyahu 50%, Yair Lapid 37%, Benny Gantz 13%.

Photo: Now 14

The sample was conducted by Shlomo Filber and Zuriel Sharon through Direct Polls LTD for Channel Now 14, on October 24, 2022, among 1,084 sampled adults (18+) who are a representative sample of the entire population in Israel. The statistical sampling error +-4.2%

Survey of mandates of Channel 12 and the Sample Institute (Mano Geva):

Likud – 32, Yesh Atid – 24, Religious Zionism – 13, The State Camp – 13, Shas – 8, Torah Judaism – 7, Yisrael Beytenu – 5, Havoda – 5, Meretz – 5, Ream – 4, Had “Q-Ta’al- 4.

Below the blocking percentage:

Balad – 2%, the Jewish Home – 1.8%, Free Israel – 1.4%.


Netanyahu bloc – 60 mandates
Gush Lapid and Arabs – 56 mandates.

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