Mandatory furniture that a medical office must have

by time news
  • NOM-005-SSA3-2018 establishes the minimum necessary elements that a medical care space must contain.
  • From a sink with drinking water and disposable towels to 6 chairs for the waiting room, they are part of the mandatory furniture that a medical office must have.
  • In case of not complying with all the provisions, you can be sanctioned and the office can even be closed.

One of the highest aspirations that health professionals have is to be able to open their own workplace. Beyond the economic effort that you require, you must also pay attention to the legal part. In fact, any Medical office must abide by some indications of mandatory furniture to avoid being penalized or closed.

From university, young people are taught that there are two main areas of work. The first is to work in the public sector and the other is to do it in the private sphere. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages, but they are not the only ones. You also have at your disposal the power to be your own boss.

In the first instance it is necessary to save enough to start undertaking. It is a step that requires a lot of courage but you should never be afraid of taking risks. Take into account that there are many colleagues who are encouraged and manage to excel.

About this topic, the lawyer Mirna, who specializes in Health Law, shared a video with the Mandatory furniture that a medical office must have regardless of whether it is general or specialized.

Mandatory requirements for a general medical office

  • Sink with disposable towels and liquid soap.
  • Chairs for the doctor, the patient and a companion.
  • At least 6 chairs for the waiting room.
  • swivel bench
  • Height bench.
  • Scale with stadiometer.
  • Municipal garbage can.
  • Sharps container.
  • Red bag for RPBI.
  • Furniture to store medicines and instruments.
  • May table.
  • Desk.
  • File cabinet.
  • A screen.
  • Exploration table.

Additional requirements for specialty offices


A chair for the patient instead of the examination table.


If inhalation therapy is offered you must have a table with a sink and a recliner.

General Surgery

A table with tarja


An armchair or couch instead of the examination table.


A proctology examination table.


Legs and a table for the preparation of slides


Chair with circular movement instead of an examination table.


Work table with double sink and plaster trap.


4.5 cubic foot refrigerator for vaccine storage and an infantometer.


A healing cart.

Furniture you must have in your office ???? #abogadasanitaria #derechosanitario #regulacionsanitaria #derechomedico #derechomédico #cofepris #cofepris???? #multasmedicos #medicosmultas #abogadamedicos #abogadamédicos #abogadaparamédicos #abogadaparamedicos #regulacionsanitaria #regulaciónsanitaria #abogadaenmexico #abogadadoctorméxicoes #abogadaesparabogadaenméxicoes

♬ Happy Up Beat (Medium) – TimTaj

The document that all doctors should know

In this case, the support is the Official Mexican Standard NOM-005-SSA3-2018. This is the document that standardizes the elements that a patient care space must have so that everyone offers a quality service. It does not matter if it belongs to public or private health because absolutely everyone must comply with everything that is stipulated.

The NOM mentions from the minimum equipment that you must have to the medicines and necessary healing material. In addition, it is not only about the legal part, but everything is aimed at the benefit of patients. All aspects were designed to offer the best for them.

Also read:

Characteristics that a medical office must have according to the NOM

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Furniture and equipment that a medical office must have according to the NOM

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