Männedorf: High property damage in a fire in a single-family home

by time news

Shortly after 4 p.m., the Zurich Protection & Rescue operations center received a report of a house fire in Männedorf. When the fire brigade arrived, the only woman present in the fire had already left the house independently. Thanks to the rapid intervention of the fire brigade, the flames were quickly brought under control and the fire was prevented from spreading to neighboring houses.
The fire caused a lot of smoke. Therefore, a regional warning was issued via Alertswiss and the population was asked to keep windows and doors closed. In addition, as a precaution, around a dozen people were evacuated from the surrounding buildings and temporarily accommodated in the nearby fire depot. They have now been able to return to their apartments.
The single-family home is no longer usable for the time being. The resident was staying with relatives.
The cause of the fire is still unclear. Specialists from the fire investigation service of the Zurich Cantonal Police and the public prosecutor’s office have started the investigation.
Because of the fire, the affected area of ​​Audorfstrasse had to be closed to public traffic until 7:30 p.m. and to private traffic until late in the evening.

In addition to the Zurich cantonal police, the Männedorf – Uetikon and Stäfa fire departments, an ambulance and an emergency doctor from Regio 144, the responsible public prosecutor, the governor, representatives of the Männedorf political community and an inspector from the Zurich GVZ building insurance company were on duty as a precaution.

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