Manual to open your medical office and fill it with patients

by time news
  • To open a medical office, it is not enough to have the desire, but you also need to comply with legal aspects such as various procedures before Cofepris.
  • Taking advantage of the infinite reach of social networks is essential to publicize your workspace.
  • To ensure that patients stay with you and do not change you for another doctor, it is necessary to offer a service with empathy.

One of the greatest wishes of health professionals is to open their own medical office. Perhaps graduating from university seems like a rather complicated mission but it is by no means impossible. There are thousands of people who get it and you can be the next. But the important thing is not only to take the first step but to make it really the start of a successful business.

In that sense, the first limitation is always money. To begin with, a strong financial investment is required. From the purchase of equipment and real estate to conditioning a premises implies allocating a large economic amount.

In the same way, you should never leave the entire legal field until the last. There are many procedures that you must do before the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris). They are all mandatory and in case of any irregularity you must pay fines or you can even suffer the closure of your medical office.

Now, at present there are options such as the coworking that consists of renting an already adapted space. You can do it by the hour, day or week and the advantage is that they are all equipped with everything you need.

On the other hand, regardless of the modality, the The maximum aspiration is always to attract as many patients as possible. It is a valid wish and for you to achieve it it is not necessary to make large investments of money but you must follow the following steps.

Take advantage of social networks to boost your business

If you just opened it, it is natural that there are few people who know your place of work. To disseminate it, the ideal is to take advantage of the infinite reach of social networks. Constantly publish on the internet all the information related to your medical office and generate alliances with other doctors.

Never make patients wait

Consider what happens before the patient enters the office. One of the most recurring complaints is the waiting time. If it is too much, when they spend with you they will show an annoying attitude that can last for the rest of the consultation. And that’s not all because errors of this type cause them to decide to change their doctor.

In that sense, if it is a Scheduled consultation you must calculate the attention time and respect the beginning of each one. In this way the spaces between each one are reduced and thus the start time is respected without affecting the patients.

Personalize each query

Regarding what happens inside the office, another very important aspect that you should never forget is to personalize the consultations. Always call the patient by their first or last name and offer a warm and courteous greeting the moment they pass by. Remember that there is no longer a need for a handshake but a simple “good morning” and try never to lose eye contact so that the rest of the attention flows naturally.

During the consultation, solve all the doubts that the patient asks you. Do not wait until the end, but you must offer an answer instantly and thus you will avoid misunderstandings or the accumulation of questions.

Regarding the clarification of doubts, avoid using technical language that only health professionals understand. You must put yourself in the patient’s place and use simple words that people outside Medicine can understand. Avoid fancy terms and try to be direct in your explanations so as not to confuse visitors.

Develop your medical empathy

Another characteristic that you should never forget is to project medical empathy to patients. He always transmits security and shows a courteous attitude because they are elements that help in the emotional part. It is natural that if someone visits you it is because they are sick; however, beyond physical health you must also focus on the mental aspect to offer a comprehensive service.

Throughout the consultation you should always put all your attention on the patient and avoid being distracted by any object that is in your office. You should only use the computer to write the respective recipe and your phone only if necessary to answer any questions. In no way lose eye contact or show disinterest in the person because a negative image will be generated towards you.

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