Manuel Bartlett involved in the murder of Enrique “Kiki” Camarena? This is what the United States says

by times news cr

¿Manuel Bartlett is involved in the murder of Enrique “Kiki” Camarena? A document from the authorities of USA reinforces the version surrounding the case that occurred in 1985.

For several years, reports have been circulating indicating that the then Secretary of the Interior, Manuel Bartlettwas involved in the murder of the DEA agent, Enrique “Kiki” Camarena.

In August 2024, the transparency mechanisms in USA They announced a document that strengthens the versions on the involvement of the current director of the CFE in this case.

So, Manuel Bartlett is involved in the murder of Enrique “Kiki” Camarena? We tell you the information details which became known around the events that took place in 1985.

Enrique “Kiki” Camarena, DEA agent killed by the Guadalajara Cartel (Special / Special)

United States declassifies documents from the Enrique “Kiki” Camarena case; Manuel Bartlett is mentioned

In March 1986 — one year after the murder of the DEA agent, Enrique “Kiki” Camarena— the embassy of USA In Mexico City he sent a memorandum to the FBI director.

In the document, the diplomatic representation reported that agents in charge of investigating the murder committed by the Guadalajara Cartel, They had their sights set on a high-ranking Mexican official.

The above is because the report mentions suspicions that the then Secretary of the Interior, Manuel Bartlett, He collaborated with drug traffickers who killed Enrique “Kiki” Camarena.

Despite the 6-page document revealed only on August 12, 2024 It is very censoredyou can read that the agents believed that Manuel Bartlett provided protection to the drug traffickers.

The memo also highlights that the above are “simple solid suspicions” of the “widespread corruption” and extortion activities that prevailed in the Mexican government.

The above is because it is concluded that by logic it can be established that criminal activities ultimately, They also benefited top government leaders Mexican.

It is worth noting that even though it is mentioned that in interviews with ““confidential sources abroad” was mentioned Regarding Manuel Bartlett, you cannot read what they said.

Manuel Bartlett involved in the murder of Enrique “Kiki” Camarena? This is what the United States says

Manuel Bartlett (Galo Cañas Rodriguez / Cuartoscuro)

Suspicions surrounding Manuel Bartlett for the murder of Enrique “Kiki” Camarena are not new

Although this is the first time that an official document from USA mentions Manuel Bartlett in the case of Enrique “Kiki” Camarenathe suspicions They are not new.

In 2021, the information and analysis weekly, Proceso, published a report in which it claims that The US Department of Justice is targeting to the current head of the CFE.

In the investigation led by journalist J. Jesús Esquivel, it is stated that sources from the Department of Justice assured that if Manuel Bartlett enters the United States, would be immediately arrested.

The action would be carried out because the former Secretary of the Interior is supposedly investigated for the kidnapping, torture and murder of the DEA agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena.

In this regard, anonymous sources consulted by the journalist assured him that the name of Manuel Bartlett appears several times in the research files open case.”

Elaborating on the details, they stated that the official He is mentioned as a participant in meetings with drug traffickers and officials prior to the kidnapping and after the murder of Enrique “Kiki” Camarena.

“Mr. Bartlett knows that his name has been mentioned during the decades of this ongoing investigation into the Camarena case and that is why he would have to testify before a Grand Jury.”

Process Report

Manuel Bartlett

Manuel Bartlett (Galo Cañas Rodriguez / Cuartoscuro)

2024-09-26 10:54:27

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