Manuel Bompard accuses Elisabeth Borne and Emmanuel Macron of “reversing roles” with the opposition: follow the political news live

by time news

The calendar of the new National Assembly next week

While the newly elected deputies were welcomed at the Palais-Bourbon on Monday, and began their official mandate on Wednesday, here is what awaits them next week at the Palais-Bourbon:

  • Tuesday, June 28: first public session and election of the person who will preside over the National Assembly

The first meeting of the 16e legislature will be Tuesday, June 28, at 3 p.m., with the first public session which will be chaired by the dean of the deputies, in this case José Gonzalez, 79-year-old National Rally (RN) deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône, assisted by six younger MPs. During this session, the president of the National Assembly will be elected, by secret ballot at the podium.

The outgoing president, Richard Ferrand (2018-2022), one of the faithful of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, wanted to run for his succession, but he lost his seat as deputy at the end of the second round of the legislative elections. . It is the Minister of Overseas and deputy of Yvelines, Yaël-Braun Pivet, who was designated, Wednesday evening, candidate for the presidential majority at the perch, and favorite part of the ballot. The RN, for its part, decided to present the candidacy of Sébastien Chenu, deputy for the North, re-elected on Sunday.

  • Wednesday, June 29: election of the members of the office of the National Assembly

During their second public session, from 3 p.m., this time the 22 members of the office of the National Assembly will be named, a kind of board of directors of the institution, which takes a collegial form (the six vice -presidents of the National Assembly, three quaestors, the twelve secretaries, etc.).

The composition of the Bureau should normally reflect the political configuration of the Assembly. In October 2017, a reform of the regulations clarified how this principle should be applied: “The presidents of the groups choose, according to the number of points they have, the positions they wish to reserve for their groupe. This distribution is carried out by priority choice according to the respective numbers of the groups and, in the event of equality of these numbers, by drawing lots. One of the questor’s posts is reserved for a deputy belonging to a group that has declared itself to be in opposition. » If the groups do not manage to agree on the distribution of seats, a ballot will be organized for each category of functions for which the number of candidates is greater than the number of positions to be filled.

  • Thursday 30 June: first meeting of parliamentary committees and election of their respective chairs and vice-chairs

Once each deputy has joined one of the eight standing committees of the National Assembly – finance, laws, cultural affairs and education, economic affairs, foreign affairs, social affairs, national defense and armed forces, sustainable development and regional planning –, they will meet to elect their respective presidents, vice-presidents and secretaries.

The Finance Committee, with extended powers, can only be led by an elected opposition member, which is already giving rise to a clash between the National Rally, with its historic score of 89 elected deputies, and La France insoumise, 75 deputies, also at the head of the intergroup of the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) – the largest contingent of opposition deputies from this point of view.

The rest of the schedule can be found here:

Read also: The calendar of the first days of the new National Assembly without an absolute majority

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