Manufacturers of special equipment ask to shift the deadlines for the mandatory localization of trailers

by time news

The Spetsavtoprom Association (which includes more than 80 enterprises producing self-propelled, special and road-building equipment) asked the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov to postpone the deadlines for reaching the level of localization of trailers required for receiving state subsidies. A letter with such a proposal was sent to the Ministry of Industry and Trade on February 8, 2023 through the head of the State Duma Committee for the Protection of Competition, Valery Gartung (Fair Russia). Vedomosti got acquainted with a copy of the document.

“Spetsavtoprom” in the letter indicates that due to the insufficient volume of the component base of domestic production, most of the trailer manufacturers will not be able to achieve the values ​​required by the state for the localization of equipment.

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