Many Berlin mothers feel exhausted from having children

by time news

BerlinBerlin women suffered more than men from the pandemic – financially, professionally and in terms of health. This is the result of a study by the Berlin Science Center (WZB), which was commissioned by the red-red-green government coalition. “The Corona crisis is the biggest crisis that Berlin has had to deal with since the Second World War,” said Senator for Women Dilek Kalayci (SPD) when the study was presented in Berlin a few days ago. The results will be published in full at the end of September.

In times of crisis it shows how a society works, who can prevail, whose interests are neglected. Already last spring there were warnings that the pandemic, which had only just begun at the time, would set women and feminism back by decades. That seemed exaggerated at the time, but there are now more and more studies showing that the pandemic is setting women and, above all, mothers back.


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