Many questions to the signatories of the secret agreement on the occupied territory – 2024-04-01 14:51:03

by times news cr

2024-04-01 14:51:03

The public in Azerbaijan welcomed the information about the actual secret deal on the construction of a bridge over the Araks (Araz) river between the official Baku and the leadership of the Karabakh separatists, whom it does not recognize, with surprise and anger. The bridge connected the coasts of Iran and the occupied region in Jalilabad region, so in 1992-93, the Armenian army went to the banks of the Araks River and fortified itself there. Thus, in 2016, the Azerbaijani leadership, which signed an agreement with Iran on the construction of this bridge, allowed the Karabakh separatists to participate in this economic project on the legal territory of Azerbaijan.

In this regard, the official information says that the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Khalaf Khalafov clarified the issue of the construction of “Khudafarin” and “Giz Galasi” water junctions and hydroelectric power stations in the Araz River.

“Agreement on the continuation of the construction, operation, energy and water resource utilization of the Khudafarin and Giz Galasi hydroelectric stations and hydropower stations on the Araz River was signed on February 23, 2016, and the parties to this Agreement are the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Islamic Republic of Iran Governments.

This Agreement is based on the principles of respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of both countries. Proceeding from those principles, the Agreement emphasized the importance of restoring the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the requirements of the UN Resolutions. Also, according to the Agreement, the parties are working together on the continuation and operation of the construction and operation of the “Khudafarin” and “Giz Galasi” hydroelectric junctions and hydropower plants on the Araz border river on the basis of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and interests of both countries,” said Khalafov.

The deputy minister said that the construction of the bridges highlighted in the media should be considered within the framework of the implementation of the “Khudafarin” and “Giz Galasi” hydroelectric junctions and hydroelectric power plants projects.

“As stated by the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the part of dams and bridges falling on the territory of Azerbaijan is accepted by the Iranian side as part of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan. This is reflected in the above-mentioned Agreement, which has a legal force approved by the parliaments of both countries.

Based on the high level of mutual trust, friendship and good neighborly relations between Iran and Azerbaijan, we believe that these bridges serve the implementation of projects related to “Khudafarin” and “Giz Galasi” hydroelectric junctions and hydropower plants,” said Khalaf Khalafov.

The Deputy Minister’s statement raises more questions than it answers. How does Azerbaijan carry out joint construction with Iran in an area where Azerbaijani workers and engineers cannot set foot? What is cooperation in the field of exploitation in a place under the control of the occupying Armenian army?

Anar Mammadli, the head of the Center for Election Monitoring and Democracy Education (SMDT), writes about this on FB:

“There are many points that raise questions regarding the 2 bridges and dams built on the basis of the agreement signed in 2016 between Azerbaijan and Iran. As can be seen from the agreement, the goal is the construction of hydroelectric stations and hydropower plants near the Khudafarin bridge on the Araz River. When you get acquainted with the agreement, at first glance, everything is normal. For example, the produced energy cannot be given to a third party, or the Azerbaijani side can transfer its share of energy in any way it wants. But the agreement does not provide information about the geographical coordinates, especially the areas where the hydroelectric stations will be located.

It is clear from the text of the agreement that the areas living along Araz in East Azerbaijan province will use the hydrojunction. The Azerbaijani side can also transfer its share of electricity to Nakhchivan. Now I come to the points that raise questions.

This agreement has de jure force. But if Azerbaijan de facto does not control the northern part of Araz, how does the Iranian side regulate the construction agreement with Armenia or the so-called DKR? For example, the agreement prohibits the use of third-party individuals and legal entities. How will this be regulated?

According to the agreement, part of the expenses will be paid by the Azerbaijani side. But is the construction process in the area that we do not control insured against risks? Let’s say that tomorrow the truce is broken and the other side targets the place. Will the funds not be blown?

Why is the society learning about this agreement now? It was signed in 2016, then the law was adopted and signed by the head of the country. But the active part of the society was not aware of this, and the Milli Majlis did not question it.”

A. Mammadli considers it useful to build a water junction in the region where the population needs irrigation water for agricultural work on both the Iranian and Azerbaijani sides of the river. But this process should have precise and clear mechanisms, and the agreement does not have these mechanisms. Especially if we are talking about an area that we do not control de facto.

The emergence of this agreement after 3 years shows that there is neither public control over the central executive power in Azerbaijan, nor political control over it by the parliament. A. Mammadli calls the secret conclusion of the agreement on the territory under the control of the occupier a tragedy.

Political scientist Elkhan Sahinoglu draws attention to Iran’s statement that Azerbaijan has agreed to the construction, and asks why Baku agreed to the implementation of works in the place under the control of the invaders.

Azerbaijanis regularly express their anger about the economic relations between Iran and the Karabakh separatists, the transportation of goods from Iran to Karabakh through the bridge over the Araz River, and official Baku issues statements of protest in this regard. Nevertheless, the Azerbaijani leadership signs a secret agreement on the territory where the separatists operate, and the bridge was built with the consent of the government in Baku.

X. Khalafov claims that the construction of the bridge over the Araz River should be considered within the framework of the “Khudafarin” and “Giz Galasi” hydroelectric power stations. What is the relationship between the bridge and the SES?

One of the signatories of the secret agreement is Shahin Mustafayev, the former economy minister of Azerbaijan. E. Shahinoglu demands that the former minister make a statement to the society.

Let us add that the Iranian delegation that came to Baku during Heydar Aliyev’s presidency appealed to H. Aliyev with the proposal to agree with this project. At that time, the angry president of Azerbaijan silently left the hall where the negotiations were held, leaving the Iranians in complete silence. The public watched what happened in a television report.

That project was signed in 2016 by the government of President I. Aliyev, secretly from the public.

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