many young people have high blood pressure (and are unaware of it) –

by time news

2023-04-30 19:39:10

Of Laura Cuppini

Survey of 20,000 people between 16 and 24 years of age five men and one woman in a hundred are at risk from high blood pressure, responsible for around half of heart attacks and strokes in the UK

Many young British people – about 170,000 between the ages of 16 and 24 – they have high blood pressure but don’t know it. The data comes from the Health Survey for England (survey on health in England), for which the blood pressure of 20,000 people – including 1,500 young people – was measured on several occasions to arrive at an average figure. The result suggests, according to the Office for national statistics (Ons), that 4% of women (about 110,000) and 7% of men (about 210,000) aged between 16 and 24 in England suffer from hypertension
. Of these, 26% of women (about 30,000) and 66% of men (about 140,000) have not received a diagnosis and therefore do not know they have the disease. In the later age group, 55% of males and 44% of females aged 25 to 34 years are undiagnosed, compared with 17% of males and 21% of females aged 75 years or older.

Hypertension sneaky because it may not cause symptoms or problems for long, but meanwhile, silently, it puts a strain on the heart and blood vessels. In the UK responsible for about half of heart attacks and strokes. It can appear at any age and doctors advise you to have regular blood pressure checks and possibly take steps to avoid long-term damage. There are a considerable number of young, healthy people who are undiagnosed. It is possible that this group is not aware that they suffer from the pathology, because they are less likely to access health care if they are well – Chris Shine of the ONS Analysis Center explained to the Bbc
—. These results will provide valuable insights for health services and for those who deal with it one of the most common causes of premature death. We know that the sooner hypertension is identified, the more effectively it can be managed and treated, at all ages. Around a third of adults in the UK have high blood pressure, yet many are unaware of it.

Being overweight, sedentary, eating an unhealthy diet, drinking too much alcohol and smoking all of which can cause blood pressure to rise. Pauline Swift, from Blood Pressure UK, pointed out that some risk factors are modifiable: In recent years we have seen an increase in young patients suffering from high blood pressure, often due to poor diet, excessive consumption of salt and lack of exercise leading to weight gain. If you make small lifestyle changes from a young age, such as eating less salt, more fruits and vegetables and do more exercise By maintaining a healthy weight, you are more likely to stay healthy and prevent strokes, heart disease, and chronic kidney disease. High blood pressure kills thousands of people every year in the UK and is almost entirely preventable – concluded the expert -. Everyone should check their blood pressure at home, at the pharmacy or with their nurse. This can save your life.

I don’t think people realize how dangerous untreated hypertension can be,” added Bryan Williams, president of the International society of hypertension. It is estimated to cause ten million deaths worldwide each year. This is more deaths per year, globally, than the total number of deaths caused by Covid in three years. The good news is that, once correctly diagnosed, hypertension for most people easy to treat and control, especially if diagnosed early. If I have to give a simple message: get your blood pressure checked and don’t ignore it, if it’s high. A pressure considered normal settles down tra i 100 e i 120 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) maximum (systolic) e i 75-80 mmHg minimum (diastolic).

April 30, 2023 (change April 30, 2023 | 7:39 pm)

#young #people #high #blood #pressure #unaware

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