Map and graphs of inflation grows in April up to 4.1%

by time news

2023-05-13 00:52:14

The Consumer Price Index has once again accelerated its growth in the month of Aprilincreasing to 4.1% from 3.3% last March.

After the call Ukraine effect that pushed inflation into double digits last year, price rises are accelerating againalthough in figures still well below the 8.3% that presided over the month of April of last year.

CPI Chart April 2023 / Chart: EA

The monthly variation of prices between March and April has grown 0.6 points, with accumulated inflation in the first four months of the year reaching 1.7%, a figure that is still far from the 3.3% accumulated inflation of the first four months months of 2022.

Interannual variation of the CPI until April 2023 / Chart: EA Interannual variation of the CPI until April 2023 / Chart: EA

The annual rise in prices continues to be transmitted in very different ways to the multiple groups of products, this month also being food the most affected, which continues in double figures, more specifically 12.9% per yearalthough this figure represents an attenuation from the 16.5% annual growth in March.

Quite below food, but still with significant growth, are alcohol and tobacco (8.4%), hotels and restaurants (7.6%) and household items and furniture (6.3%).

Already below the general price average are leisure and culture (4.0%), communications (2.5%), clothing and footwear (2.2%), health and education, both with 1, 6%, and transportation (0.6%). The only year-on-year drop in prices is in the housing, water and electricity sectors, with a year-on-year drop of 10.8%.

CPI variation by ECOICOP groups to April 2023 / Photo: EA CPI variation by ECOICOP groups to April 2023 / Photo: EA

Although food prices have moderated somewhat in April, 12.9% year-on-year growth is still by far the highest of all product groups, with the vast majority of food products growing above average CPI and some product, such as sugar, shooting up its prices up to 49.6% year-on-year.

Still above 20% there are basic necessities such as milk (27.6%), rice (23.0%), olive oil (22.2%) or potatoes (20.1%).

Still above the average CPI for food are the prices of pork meat (16.1%), eggs (15.8%), flour (14.7%) or dried legumes and vegetables (13.3% ).

The progressive slowdown in prices has already reached beef (9.6%), bread (9.3%), fish (8.2%), poultry (6.0%) and fresh fruits (2.9%), the food subtype that has increased prices the least in the last twelve months.

Interannual variation of the CPI by Autonomous Community until April 2023 Interannual variation of the CPI by Autonomous Community until April 2023

In the data by Communities, Melilla suffered the greatest increase with an increase of 5.8%, followed by the Canary Islands with 5.5% and Murcia, Andalusia and the Balearic Islands with a 4.6% increase. Ceuta, Cantabria, the Basque Country and Navarra are also above average. On the contrary, the Communities that have suffered the lowest annual increases are Aragón (3.3%), Madrid (3.4%) and Extremadura (3.8%)..

#Map #graphs #inflation #grows #April

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