Mapfre presents its footprint in less populated Spain, where the insurer has more than 32,000 people at the service of its clients

by time news

2023-09-07 09:48:04

MAPFRE has a firm commitment to less populated Spain, as reflected in the more than 32,500 employees, collaborators and suppliers that the company has in these areas. If we compare the number of people per 100,000 inhabitants that the insurer has dedicated to serving clients in the provinces of less populated Spain (384.7) versus the rest of Spain (336.7), there is a difference of almost 50 people in favor of the former, compared to the most populated areas.

On the other hand, the study reflects that the least populated Spain has a profitability of three points more than the rest of the country for MAPFRE, according to the report Lin the footsteps of MAPFRE in less populated Spain, presented this Wednesday by José Manuel Inchausti, CEO of MAPFRE Spain and vice president of the Group. This is a study that the insurer has carried out to put figures on its presence in the least populated territories of our country and reaffirm its commitment to the inhabitants of these areas.

The report considers Spain to be less populated than those provinces that have lost population between 1950 and 2019 or that have a population density below the national average. Thus, the study focuses on provinces such as Albacete, Ávila, Badajoz,

Burgos, Cáceres, Córdoba, Guadalajara, Huesca, Jaén, La Rioja, Ourense, Salamanca, Teruel or Zaragoza. Total, 23 provinces Spanish.

These territories contribute 906 million euros in business premiums to the company No life. In addition, in 2022 the company captured nearly 270 million euros in savings products in less populated Spain, and manages more than 1,800 million euros from these territories (in savings insurance, pension plans and investment funds).

These results reflect the insurer’s commitment to these areas, to which, in fact, it allocates more efforts and resources than to the most populated Spain. Specifically, its commercial network has 23.1 members per 100,000 inhabitants in the provinces of less populated Spain, compared to 18 in the rest of Spain.

In addition, the company has in these provinces about 700 offices and four contact centers at the service of its clients. And it continues to grow, in fact, it has announced the opening of a new contact center in Badajoz in 2023, where it will employ 30 people in the first phase, and will subsequently continue its growth.

Likewise, focusing on the Non-Life business, the most intensive in personnel needs, MAPFRE has more suppliers in these territories, with a difference of 344.1 professionals per 100,000 inhabitants, compared to 295.3. This extensive commercial and supplier network allows it to respond to the needs of customers anywhere in a very agile way.

MAPFRE is present in small municipalities, not only in provincial capitals. In fact, 46% of its commercial delegations are located in towns with less than 20,000 inhabitants, and it has more than 500 offices in towns with up to 5,000 inhabitants. The company has 219 certified agents to market financial products in the 23 provinces that make up the least populated Spain.

By province, Ávila is the one with the greatest presence of MAPFRE in relation to the population, with 686.1 people per 100,000 inhabitants. Soria follows, with 510.3 and the top three is completed by Teruel, with 477.6 people serving clients per 100,000 inhabitants. Regarding the provinces with the highest share of business in less populated Spain, Badajoz is the first, with 19.7%, followed by Cuenca, with 19.5%, and Soria, with 18.8%.

As José Manuel Inchausti has pointed out, “all of this work by MAPFRE in less populated Spain has as its main objective to improve the quality of life, provide access to opportunities and generate wealth in areas where other companies are not present. Our customers are our priority and We don’t want them to feel abandoned., wherever they live. In addition, we try to help people stay in their towns and work there, if they wish, which makes us an economic and employment engine in these areas, something we want to continue being for many more years.”

A model of success

MAPFRE’s presence is structured around a successful model, in which its delegated offices They have a great role, since they guarantee closeness, professionalism and knowledge of the client, basic elements for the trust generated by the company.

The insurer also has a very important player in rural areas, such as the regional delegate, that covers those smaller populations, which expands the capillarity of the entity. Specifically, the insurer has about 60 regional delegates. The main advantage that this figure provides is the possibility of providing direct and personalized attention, something highly valued in areas where many businesses have abandoned the towns. In addition, it prevents clients from having to travel to larger locations to be served, generates trust and helps establish the population.

Precisely, to further improve this service to rural areas, MAPFRE, with its vocation for continuous innovation, has launched the pilot project of mobile office, a pioneering initiative in insurance, which has begun in Navarra, specifically in the area of ​​Tierra Estella. The mobile office will serve several towns in this area for six months to test whether it is a truly effective and useful initiative for customers. Depending on the results, the mobile office service could be extended to other rural areas.

Non-insurance products and services

In addition to its offering of insurance and financial products and services, the MAPFRE network offers non-insurance services, something especially important for inhabitants of rural areas, where many companies do not have a presence. These are security systems from Securitas Direct, energy products from Iberdrola, risk prevention services from Chiron Health and banking products from Santander, companies with which MAPFRE has collaboration agreements.

In fact, more than half of the delegates and commercial agents in these areas distribute these products, which have generated income for the MAPFRE network worth 4.6 million euros last year. Thus, since 2022, the company’s network has signed more than 45,000 contracts of non-insurance products throughout Spain.

Furthermore, within the framework of the insurer’s agreement with Banco Santander, MAPFRE has provided the entity with nearly 9,000 new clients in less populated Spain since 2021, more than 7,000 new current accounts, 82 million euros of financing for individuals and more of 35 million financing for companies. Having a distribution point for this type of products that require advice is a very important advantage for inhabitants of rural areas.

Bet on the agricultural sector

The commercial network in less populated Spain offers the full range of MAPFRE products and services, and especially those focused on the agricultural sector. In fact, MAPFRE has a specific insurance offer for this sector, made up of agricultural multi-risk products, multi-risk products for greenhouses, agricultural machinery, civil liability or environmental civil liability, that responds to all the needs of agricultural operations. In combined agricultural insurance, the insurer has more than 66,000 policies and a premium volume of more than 174 million euros.

In addition, MAPFRE has a Agricultural Advisory Council in charge of highlighting the primary sector, which allows you to hear first-hand its needs, since it is made up of prominent businessmen from the agricultural and livestock sector from all over Spain.

“To all this we have to add,” says José Manuel Inchausti, “the important work of Fundación MAPFRE, which in less populated Spain has carried out more than 3,200 workshops and other actions since 2022, which have benefited more than 124,000 people. Furthermore, as an intermediate body, it manages 30 million euros of NextGeneration European funds to promote projects that promote socio-labor inclusion, social protection or improve the opportunity to access quality, sustainable and affordable services in rural Spain.”

MAPFRE is the benchmark insurer in the Spanish market, leader in the automobile, home and business business, among other branches, with more than 7 million customersnearly 11,000 employees in Spain and more than 3,000 offices distributed throughout the territory, where it offers personalized advice to its clients.

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