2024-07-13 19:23:35
To encourage female maquila workers in Juarez Citycompanies in the sector received the Florece Badge.
The municipal government recognized the work on the issue and the financial help from companies Commscope, Polygroup, Juárez-Commscope ADC, Temperature Controls y Harman from Mexico.
Cruz Perez Cuellar, Mayor of Juarez, said that they have helped reduce violence and that it not only affects the private lives of women, but also affects the workplace and productivity, which is why they were recognized for implementing strategies to improve the safety of their employees.
He highlighted the commitment of these maquila groups to maintain their efforts in a coordinated and transversal manner during the next three years, and he also thanked them for being part of the effort and asked them to spread the word, Since the more citizen participation there is, the better the result will be.
“Call it Participatory Budget, civil society organizations and particularly on this issue, if we work together society and Government We will do better. I ask that we continue working together because this is a crucial and fundamental issue for our community,” he said.
He Florece Badge It is a recognition of companies that implement actions to eradicate domestic and gender violence against women and that promote female leadership, in addition to generating a change in culture between men and women. /24 Hours
2024-07-13 19:23:35