Marburg virus infection, symptoms, causes, how to prevent, what to do, read quickly

by time news

18 July 2022 time 21:25

Marburg virus infection, symptoms, causes and prevention, including how many days incubation period. Read all details here.

from the case ghana Officially confirmed that Marburg virus found which is an infectious disease of the same family as Ebola Both patients died in hospitals in the southern region of Ashanti. after the virus test results Marburg was positive earlier this month.

while Page of the Pediatric Infectious Disease Association of Thailand reported that the Ebola-Marburg virus (EBOLA-MARBURG VIRAL DISEASES) Symptoms and causes are as follows.

Disease characteristics

  • It is a severe acute viral infection with a high mortality rate. caused by the Ebola virus (Ebolavirus) and Marburg virus (Marburg virus)


  • Global situation : The first outbreak occurred in 1976 in a province in Sudan, 800 km from Zaire (now Congo). The first infection was detected in an infected patient. from the dissection of chimpanzees at Ivory Code 2004

Disease situation in Thailand

  • Ebola-Marburg virus infection It is a type of fever and hemorrhagic disease with high and fast epidemic rates and relatively high rates (50-90%) in Thailand. No data on morbidity with this disease and the disease is not in the surveillance system. of Thailand It may be one of the risks that the virus may come from the epidemic area into the country. Therefore, special caution may be required for certain groups of the population.

Symptoms of the disease

  • Sudden high fever, weakness, muscle aches and severe headache followed by a sore throat vomiting diarrhea and a red rash on the body (maculopapular rash) in severe cases or in some cases death Bleeding is often associated with liver damage. Kidney failure, central nervous system symptoms and shock, with multiple organ function deterioration.

the incubation period of the disease

  • about 2 – 21 days


  • RT-PCR or ELISA antigen detection may be used in blood, lymph or organ samples. Diagnosis is usually a combination of antigen or RNA detection and IgM or IgG antibody detection (antibody detection). IgM showed a recent infection). Isolation of the virus by culture. Or raising guinea pigs must be done in a laboratory with the highest level of protection against harm (BSL-4).
  • ELISA is used to determine the specificity of IgM and IgG antigens in a patient’s serum. Sometimes the infection may be detected by electron microscopy in tissues from the liver, spleen, skin, or other organs. other An autopsy by formalin-fixed skin biopsy or autopsy with immunostaining or chemical composition of cells and tissues can be performed with IFA for antibodies. often resulting in misinterpretation especially in the lymphatic examination to look for past infections
  • Since the disease is very dangerous to humans, therefore, laboratory examinations and studies related to this disease are necessary. Can only be done in the system to prevent potential hazards to the operator. including the community at the highest level (BSL Level 4)


  • no specific treatment In severe cases, close supervision is required. provide adequate water

transmission of disease human Ebola virus infection Occurred for the following reasons:

  • in Africa Born while handling or dissecting a dead mammal in a rain forest.
  • for the Ebola virus Reston species will find contact with people Human-to-human transmission of infection through direct contact with the blood or guts of infected cynomolgus monkeys has not been reported. It is caused by direct contact with infected blood, secretions, organs, or semen. In addition, hospital infections are more common through contaminated needles and syringes.

preventive measures

  • There is no vaccine or specific treatment for either Ebola or Marburg virus. Sexual intercourse should be prevented 3 months after illness or until the virus is not detected in semen.

epidemic control measures

  • Isolate suspected patients from other patients. and keep an eye on close contacts Take strict preventive measures against infection in a medical setting. as well as conducting appropriate and prompt community education.

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