Marc Van Ranst and Geert Molenberghs warn: “Combination flu and corona creates a difficult situation in hospitals”

by time news

Archive image — © Ivan Elegeert

Because both the flu and the coronavirus are circulating in our society, there is currently a lot of pressure on hospitals. That is what virologist Marc Van Ranst (KU Leuven) and biostatistician Geert Molenberghs (KU Leuven/UHasselt) say. The two professors call for vigilance, but do not consider it necessary to take new measures.

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The most recent corona figures show that the threshold of 3,000 hospital patients has again been exceeded. The average number of corona patients admitted to hospital daily between March 29 and April 4 was 216, an increase of 4 percent compared to the previous week.

The number of people who contract a corona infection is falling again, by 8 percent on a weekly basis. “That is a window into the future,” says virologist Van Ranst. “If all numbers go up, I would be concerned. Now that the infections are falling, that is not the case. Vigilance is still advised.” Molenberghs also advises people to remain cautious. In crowded places, vulnerable people could put on a mouth mask and keep their distance. “The virus is not gone yet.”

Both men agree that the situation in intensive care is not that bad. On Tuesday, there will be a total of 185 people, good for an occupancy rate of 9 percent. According to biostatistician Molenberghs, this is due to the omikron variant of the coronavirus, which makes people less sick than the delta variant, and to the vaccination rate in our country. “But the regular wards do have to deal with a large number of patients. Many academic hospitals have to postpone care again.”

Van Ranst and Molenberghs are optimistic about the coming weeks and months. Traditionally, this moment marks the end of the respiratory infection era. “The corona virus has shaken up the normal seasons, but in the past two years we have recorded the best corona figures during the period May-June-July,” says Molenberghs. “Looks like we’re going there now too. What autumn will bring remains to be seen.”

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