March 24 could be National Handwashing Day

by time news
  • Globally, October 15 marks Global Handwashing Day.
  • In 1847, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis first proposed this measure to prevent diseases in hospital environments.
  • Within the doctor’s office there are six basic moments in which this action should be repeated throughout the day.

As a result of the current health emergency, several important lessons have been obtained that should not be forgotten. Among the main ones is the handwashing because, although it seems like something minimal, it can actually make big differences. It is a habit that should prevail forever due to all the benefits it offers.

In this vein, since 2008 the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) decreed October 15 as Global Handwashing Day. The goal is to emphasize an action that must be repeated several times throughout the day. If everyone did it, thousands of deaths could be prevented every year.

Who is the creator of hand washing?

Although today it seems obvious, hygiene has not always been well regarded. In fact, this practice was only established in the mid-19th century thanks to Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis. Due to his work and contribution, the Hungarian is listed as the creator of antiseptic procedures and who suggested, for the first time, a method to prevent the spread of germs.

The medical literature indicates that in 1847 he proposed hand washing in the clinic where he worked in Vienna. Although it may seem difficult to understand, until then it was not mandatory for medical personnel to practice this type of measure to carry out their work. At first his idea was not well received but over the years it was analyzed that it was beneficial to avoid diseases. After establishing itself in hospitals, it was replicated in homes until reaching our days.

Commemoration of the National Hygiene and Hand Washing Day

On the other hand, to reinforce the message, Senator Cristóbal Arias Solías proposed declaring March 24 as National Hygiene and Handwashing Day. In this way, it seeks to create a solid culture that permeates the entire society to prevent and mitigate diseases.

The legislator specified that hand washing with soap is a way to substantially reduce the probability of contracting or transmitting diseases, even in highly overcrowded and highly contaminated environments.

He mentioned that the hands are the place where pathogens can live and transmit viruses and bacteria that cause influenza, diarrheal diseases and pneumonia.

He added that this practice can also prevent skin and eye infections, intestinal parasites, severe acute respiratory syndrome, bird flu, influenza and Covid-19.

In the initiative, which was transferred to the joint commissions of Health and First Legislative Studies, the senator said that this practice also brings benefits to the health of people living with HIV and AIDS.

The 6 moments of hand washing in the medical office

Given this situation, if you work in a doctor’s office and are in constant contact with patients, then you need to take into account that there are six basic moments a day in which you should wash your hands with soap and plenty of water.

  • Upon arrival at the office.
  • Before participating in cleaning or aseptic procedures.
  • After there is a risk of exposure to bodily fluids.
  • After touching a patient.
  • After touching the surroundings of the patients.
  • Before leaving the office.

On the other hand, in addition to being a habit that you should practice daily, it is also prudent that you share it with your patients. In addition to attending to health problems, you are also an example to follow, so your voice carries too much weight with others. Something as simple as a talk can make a huge difference in motivating others and thus generating change.

Also read:

Health ephemeris of October: From Handwashing Day to the Month of the fight against Breast Cancer

World Hygiene Day: All the times that there should be hand washing with each patient

Global Handwashing Day: Who is the creator of this practice?

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