March 7 strike: Martinez and Berger hail a “historic mobilization”

by time news

The Parisian procession has not yet started and the two union leaders are already welcoming the success, according to them, of this sixth day of strike, against the pension reform. This Tuesday, from the supplied ranks of the Parisian demonstration, the secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, hailed a “historic mobilization”.

“From what has come back to us since this morning, it’s better than January 31, it’s a lot more people in the processions”, according to him. His counterpart from the CGT Philippe Martinez assuring by his side that “it will be the strongest day of mobilization since the start of this conflict”.

Laurent Berger reported about “20%” more demonstrators than during the day of January 31 which had brought together 1.27 million participants according to the authorities, 2.5 million according to the organizers, before the departure of the Parisian procession for this sixth day of mobilization against the pension reform. “Today, we have a mobilization that is historic, with regard to the last 40 or 50 years. We have been in a tough movement since January, anchored in all professions. We have succeeded in our bet, ”insisted the leader of the CFDT.

“France is at a standstill”

“This is what we wanted, France is at a standstill”, also declared Philippe Martinez, the general secretary of the CGT, present at his side. “Perhaps the President of the Republic does not understand what is happening. When there are so many people mobilized (…), the least we can do is stop playing big and reconnect,” continued Philippe Martinez, who is again asking for the withdrawal of the project from law.

This Tuesday, while the Senate resumes examination of the decried text at 2:30 p.m., by examining article 6 of the reform, some 280 demonstrations are organized in the country. Disturbances are also observed in many sectors, such as SNCF, RATP, air transport, energy, but also nurseries, schools, colleges, high schools and universities. Filter dams have also been set up in several cities by truckers since early morning.

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