March 8 strike: ADEDY also participates for International Women’s Day

by time news

ADEDY, together with the timeless demands of March 8, which is equal pay for equal work and equal opportunities for women and men, for 2024, dedicated International Women’s Day to the women of Palestine.

As ADEDY states in its announcement, “it calls for a ceasefire, safe passage for humanitarian aid, the release of hostages and prisoners, the rejection of the displacement of Palestinians from Gaza and the end of this conflict.

This year, the Executive Committee of ADEDY includes in the context of the mobilization of March 8 and working stop from 11:00 am until the end of working hours the mass expression of opposition to the unconstitutional bill for the establishment of private universities”.

In this context, he is calling on Friday, March 8, 2024, the day of the passing of the bill, for participation in the pan-Hellenic coursedemanding “not to pass this unconstitutional law”.

“We call for the support of civil servants to be expressed in a competitive manner in the struggle of all student associations and all bodies of the academic and educational community, students, labor unions and the whole of society, so that private universities and the further dissolution of the public free education.

We support the demands of the student associations, because Education is the business of all the people” emphasizes ADEDY and expresses its opposition to the revision of article 16, supporting public and free education at all levels.

March 8 strike: Who will participate?

Strike and mobilizations by OLME, on March 8 against the passing of the bill for non-state universities “Double” mobilization for OLME on March 8, as well as the long-planned work stoppage for International Women’s Day and the gathering in Klathmonos Square , coincides with the passage in Parliament of the bill on non-state universities and a new university rally.

As OLME reports: “On March 8, the government’s bill for the establishment of private universities will be voted in the Parliament. The Board of Directors of OLME again expresses its unanimous opposition to this bill and announces a 3-hour work stoppage 8-11am in addition to the work stoppage (11am as the end of hours) announced by ADEDY in honor of Women’s Day.

We invite everyone to participate en masse in the strike and the rallies that have been organized (For Athens: at 12.00 in Klathmonos Square for the Women’s Day events and at 13.00 in Propylaia against the passing of the bill)”.

March 8 strike: The Athens Labor Center announces a four-hour work stoppage

The Athens Labor Center (EKA), honoring International Women’s Day, announces a four-hour strike on March 8, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., participating in the gathering in Klathmonos Square at 12:00 p.m. and in the march until Syntagma Square.

Specifically, the Athens Labor Center states the following in its announcement: “We honor the multifaceted role of women in modern society. The woman as a wife, mother and worker, fights every day against the stereotypes that remain rooted in society even today. He fights daily for equal rights, work opportunities, wages.

The EKA and the trade union movement as a whole are and will be on the side of every woman who experiences job insecurity and insecurity, pay inequalities, violation of her rights, abuse and any insult to her personality.”

At the same time, the Athens Labor Center welcomes the pan-Hellenic general education rally against the passage of the higher education privatization bill, calling for its withdrawal.

As he points out, “the day of passing the bill coincides with International Women’s Day, on March 8. This year, women’s fight for a world of equality and justice joins the fight for public and truly free higher education against private universities.”

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