“March against the high cost of life” by Mélenchon: beware of the “mixture of genres”, warns Philippe Martinez

by time news

The leader of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, recalled on Monday that social mobilizations are the responsibility of the unions and not of political formations. The risk otherwise is a “mixing of genres”.

“Social mobilizations are the responsibility of trade unions. It’s been like that for a very long time. That political formations support social mobilizations, there is a need for it. But there should be no mixing of genres (…) so not the opposite, ”explained the secretary general of the CGT on franceinfo.

Philippe Martinez reacted to the wish of Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI) to organize in September, “a great march against the high cost of living” presented as “a great political initiative” common to the whole left to prepare for hypothetical new legislative elections likely to unblock the parliamentary crisis.

For their part, the CGT and Solidaires have called for “a day of interprofessional strike” on September 29 which will focus in particular on wages.

The employee unions (CFDT, CGT, FO, CFTC, CFE-CGC, FSU, Solidaires, Unsa) are also meeting this Monday at 6 p.m. with youth organizations, at the headquarters of Force Ouvrière, for an exchange meeting. on the subject of purchasing power.

“The only way to fight against the high cost of living, to improve purchasing power, is to increase wages. It’s not by giving bonuses, once in a while, it puts butter in the spinach, but it doesn’t solve the basic problems, “said Philippe Martinez, criticizing the executive’s approach. in its bill on purchasing power, the examination of which will begin in the hemicycle of the National Assembly on July 18.

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