March registrations plummet 30%

by time news





Another suit for new car registrations in Spain, which reached 59,920 units. Before 2021, the point at which the effect of the global shortage of semiconductors began to be noticeable, the decrease is 30.2%but if they face 2019, the drop is 51%.

According to data from the associations of manufacturers (Anfac), dealers (Faconauto) and sellers (Ganvam), the first quarter also closed with a fall, although more moderate (-11.6%)and a volume of 164,399 units, compared to 186,055 units a year earlier.

By channels, car sales in the private channel fell 21.9% monthly, with 26,509 units, but rose 2.4% in the quarter, to 77,974 units, compared to 76,142 units in the previous year.

The business channel, the largest in the market

In March, the business channel surpassed the private channel as the one with the largest volume in the market, with 26,696 units, which represents a decrease of 16.3%, while since January corporate purchases fell by 2.8%, to 74,284 units .

For their part, vehicle rental firms acquired 6,715 units in the third month of the current year, a 66.4% year-on-year decrease. In the quarter, the drop was 63.8%, to 12,141 units.

Industry Statements

Naomi Navas, Director of Communication of Anfac, explained that “the strike of vehicle carriers and transport in general has severely affected car registrations in the last month, which, except for the pandemic, register the lowest figure for a month of March in the historical series and that mark a downward first quarter. In addition to the crisis in the supply of raw materials and the rise in energy prices, the brands have thousands of vehicles stopped in the fields with difficulties in reaching distribution. On the other hand, the combination of these negative elements together with the conflict in Ukraine does not benefit demand, which prefers to wait for the situation to clear up before buying a new car. There is no doubt that the recovery of the market will have to wait at least another year”.

Raul Morales, communication director of Faconauto, indicated that “The general context of our country, especially the transport strike in March, and the particular context of the automobile, with the microprocessor crisis, have made the quarter turn out worse than expected . The lack of supply is what conditions the market the most today, due to the fact that vehicle delivery times are still far from what we would like. Despite an environment as volatile as the current one, we continue to work together with manufacturers so that this situation affects customers as little as possible. The lack of supply being critical, what worries us most now is that, with the impact of the war in Ukraine and an increasingly deteriorating macroeconomic situation, it is the demand that could fail. Despite this and the poor performance of registrations, orders at dealerships still showed a reasonable pace in March.”

According to Ganvam’s Director of Communication, Tania Puche, “registrations remain low and close the first quarter of the year with volumes that are practically half of what corresponds to our market. Added to the lack of supply as a result of the scarcity of microchips is the rise in fuel prices which, aggravated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, causes a climate of uncertainty that makes consumers postpone their purchase decision. Beyond bonuses to compensate for the price increase, The Government should undertake structural reforms which, in the case of the automotive sector, involve not only reducing VAT on fuel to a minimum but for launching a fiscal scheme that does not tax the purchase of the car in order to avoid penalizing the renewal of the park and the achievement of the decarbonization objectives ”.

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