March will be the month against colorectal cancer in Tolosa and its region

by time news

The month of March is the European month of Awareness against Colorectal Cancer, the second most diagnosed type of cancer in Spain, behind prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women. For this reason, the Asuncion Klinika hospital in Tolosa and the Association Against Cancer in Gipuzkoa are going to launch an awareness campaign that, under the title ‘Colorectal Cancer: A Question of Habits’, will take place throughout this month , and will include a care workshop for the ostomized patient, a gastronomic talk and the dissemination in the press and social networks of informative materials.

The ostomy patient care workshop will take place on Thursday, March 16, starting at 6:00 p.m. at the headquarters of Contra el Cáncer en Gipuzkoa in Tolosa (Emeterio Arrese Kalea, 2, 20400 Tolosa). It will be aimed at patients, family members or caregivers and will address issues such as cleaning the area, solving problems derived from the ostomy itself or the social and psychological consequences of the procedure, among others. Those interested can register for it, which has limited places, through the Asuncion Klinika website or by email at [email protected].

Subsequently, on Thursday, March 30, at 6:00 p.m., the Casino de Tolosa will host a gastronomic talk on the importance of good habits for the prevention of colorectal cancer, which will be given by Dr. Maite López, head of the Asuncion General Surgery service. Klinika together with Maider Sierra, responsible for Prevention of Cancer in Gipuzkoa, in which attendees will be able to taste a healthy menu cooking on site in the casino itself. Places for this activity are also limited and those interested can register through the Asuncion Klinika website or by email [email protected]

In parallel, throughout the month content will be shared on social networks and in the press on the importance of healthy habits and diet when it comes to preventing colorectal cancer, or the fundamental role that early detection plays in improving the hope of life and sequelae of cancer, among others.

According to the Association’s Cancer Observatory, colon cancer is the second most frequent tumor in men after prostate cancer and the second in women, after breast cancer. Colorectal cancer accounted for 14.3% of all tumors diagnosed in 2020.

As explained by those responsible for this initiative, colorectal cancer represents the second leading cause of death from cancer, only behind lung cancer and in women it ranks third after breast and lung cancer. Unlike other cancers, in colorectal there is a close relationship between lifestyle and diet, and prevention measures are especially important to avoid it. In addition, early detection plays a fundamental role, allowing cure rates of 90% if the cancer is detected in its early stages.

For this reason, they say, “it is especially important to see a specialist at the slightest symptom of the disease (changes in bowel habits, sudden weight loss, extreme fatigue, blood in the stool or frequent gas pains, among others); and submit to screening programs, which make it possible to detect the disease in its early stages, reducing the risk of death by up to 90% and minimizing the impact of cancer on the patient’s quality of life”.

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