Marche land of wellbeing, regional network established – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

(ANSA) – ANCONA, 12 SEPTEMBER – The Regional Network for the promotion of the Marche as a land of well-being and quality of life is born. The Regional Council has approved the resolution that gives the green light to its institution, on the proposal of the Councilor for Economic Development, Andrea Maria Antonini.
Thus, the regional law on well-being takes shape and to achieve the goals contained therein “an integrated and interdisciplinary approach will be followed – Antonini declares – which involves transversal areas including nutrition, agri-food chains, quality and safety of agricultural products, health and welfare, industry and craftsmanship, environment and territory, tourism, culture, sport and free time, education and training”.
“Another important objective – continues Antonini – is to orient the tourist-accommodation offer in terms of sustainable tourism, capturing the specificities, natural beauty and commitment to the conservation of nature of the Marche”.
“The Regional Network – clarifies the regional councilor – is a significant interlocutor for all policies that impact the health and well-being of the entire Marche community for a healthy diet, an active lifestyle”.
The Network can be attended – explains a note from the Region – by public bodies, regional agencies, universities and research institutes, schools, associations representing all productive categories, trade unions, training bodies, professional orders and associations, as well as the Regional Network for the protection and promotion of the Mediterranean diet.
The entities that join the Regional Network promote and stipulate agreements, with the aim of defining common objectives and initiatives among the participating entities, as well as the methods for sharing skills and professionalism. To distinguish the communication, dissemination and advertising activities on the themes of well-being and quality of life, the specifically identified identifying logo must always be used.
The subjects and structures that implement the requirements of the art. may submit an application for registration in the Regional Network.
1 of the law, i.e. activities aimed at accelerating the transition to a fair, healthy food system, consistent with the Mediterranean diet and respectful of the environment and biodiversity; to identify innovative and sustainable production models starting from the primary sector, thus enhancing the role of agricultural businesses and commercial businesses in the food sector; to facilitate a conscious change in lifestyles; to strengthen positive interactions between people and the territory, enhancing in particular the potential of the mountain, forest, rural and coastal environment; to preserve valuable agricultural areas characterized by the presence of identifying agricultural landscapes suited to typical productions; to enhance company initiatives aimed at the well-being of workers and their families, as well as ensuring their safety at work and compliance with accident prevention regulations; to promote training opportunities for continuous learning for all for an improvement of individual well-being; in addition to promoting and enhancing the Marche as a region of well-being and quality of life. Participants must have a registered office and/or operational headquarters in the territory of the Marche region.
The application to join the Network can be submitted at any time via the Siar platform. (ANSA).

2024-09-12 13:51:38

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