Marco Giampaolo at Sampdoria: Sepulveda, sailing, cigars, the Milan flop, fundamentalist football. Who the Taliban technician

by time news

Luis Sepulveda’s books, cigars, endless evenings talking about football, preferably in front of the sea and a good (very good) bottle of wine. The passion for sailing, which in his case is not a status symbol, but a state of the soul: the wind, silence, nature, the sense of travel, of the crew, of the collective mission where everyone has their own task. Like in a football team. This Marco Giampaolo. Which today restarts from Genoa and Sampdoria, two and a half years after the non-farewell after the three-year period 2016/2019. An old-new adventure, which will begin on Sunday in the Ligurian derby with Spezia. An ideal place, or perhaps it would be better to say an ideal port, to restart after the disappointments of Milan and Turin. Who thought that after those adventures ended badly (and not only for his fault) his career would be channeled towards the sunset, did not know the man. Marco Giampaolo, and his professional history testifies to it, one who does not give up. Samp-2 will be an extraordinary opportunity for him to take revenge against those who gave him up.

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