Marcus Wandt: From Fighter Pilot to Astronaut – A Unique Journey to the ISS

by time news

Saab Chief Test Pilot to Embark on Unique Space Mission

Saab Chief Test Pilot, Marcus Wandt, is set to embark on a groundbreaking space mission in January 2023. As the second Swede to do so, he will be spending two weeks aboard the International Space Station (ISS), a feat that has only been achieved by Christer Fuglesang from Sweden before.

Unlike Fuglesang, who devoted several years to training and preparation, Wandt’s path to the ISS has been a whirlwind experience, compressed into just nine months. However, his extensive background in the Armed Forces, as a paratrooper and fighter pilot, has prepared him for the unique challenges that lie ahead.

Wandt acknowledges the sacrifices involved in such a mission, not only for himself but also for his family, which includes his wife and three children. Taking a leave of absence from his job at Saab, Wandt has dedicated more than 100% of his time to preparing for the mission, which has meant spending minimal time with his family in recent months.

Once at the space station, Wandt will face a busy two weeks of long working days, carrying out tests, remote-controlled robot operations, medical studies, and technical maintenance. In addition, he will undergo physical training and plans to document and record material during his time in space.

Despite all the preparation, Wandt is unsure of how he will adjust to microgravity and the overall experience of being in space. Drawing on his experience as a pilot, he acknowledges the technical complexities of both flying a rocket and a fighter plane, but notes the completely different forces at play when a rocket is accelerated to 27,000 km per hour.

Wandt’s mission is not only a personal challenge but also a scientific endeavor that has the potential to impact future space exploration, including developments related to the exploration of the moon and Mars.

As Wandt prepares to embark on this extraordinary journey, he hopes to capture the experience and bring back valuable knowledge that can be shared with others who have not had the opportunity to venture into space. With his extensive background and determined mindset, Wandt is well-equipped to take on the challenges that lie ahead as he sets his sights on the stars.

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