Maria Fida Moro, daughter of the DC leader killed by the Red Brigades, has died. Meloni: «Woman animated by civil commitment»

by time news

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«The former senator Maria Fida Moro has died, whom we will commemorate in another session, but to whom we want to address a deferential thought and a few moments of silence». Thus in the Senate Chamber, President Ignazio La Russa announces the death – at 77 years of age – of the eldest daughter of DC leader Aldo Moro, killed by the Red Brigades on 9 May 1978. She had been a senator for one legislature, from 1987 to 1992, elected with the DC. Her son, Luca Moro, is the beloved nephew that the leader of the Christian Democrats mentioned in the letters written during the kidnapping.

In 2013 he founded a Christian social movement called “Dimensione Cristiana con Moro”, inspired by the politics of the Christian Democrat statesman. On the occasion of the 2016 local elections in Rome, she ran for the position of municipal councilor in the Campidoglio, as the head of the list of “Più Roma – Democrats and Popular”, a centrist list formed by the Democratic Center and Solidarity Democracy, in support of the mayoral candidate Roberto Giachetti, but was not elected.

«It is with deep regret that I learn the news of the passing of Maria Fida Moro, a tenacious woman animated by civil commitment – wrote Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in a post on X -. She was the eldest daughter of the former Prime Minister Aldo Moro, killed by the Red Brigades in 1978. She fought with determination for the rights of the relatives of the victims of terrorism. Condolences to the family. Have a good trip Maria Fida.”

«I am deeply saddened by the passing of Maria Fida Moro. In recent years I have had the honor of getting to know her better and I could only appreciate her human qualities, her generosity and her affability. With Maria Fida we traveled the length and breadth of Italy and at the meetings she always had words of strong encouragement to young people, she urged them to believe in themselves and to commit to the creation of a more just, more human society”: so the secretary UDC national team Lorenzo Cesa.

«We express pain and deep condolences for the passing away, after a long illness, of Maria Fida Moro. In a life inevitably marked by the kidnapping and murder of her father, she had poured her efforts into politics, even in the ranks of the National Alliance. For many years you have fought for the application of law 206 of 2004 for the dutiful recognition of the reparative measures provided for the families of victims of terrorism, finally obtained in the current legislature thanks to the commitment of Prime Minister Meloni. Our deepest condolences go to her family.” The deputy and organizational manager of Fratelli d’Italia, Giovanni Donzelli, wrote this in a note.

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