Marian Grotto of Dassa: more than 500,000 pilgrims are expected

by time news

2024-08-16 15:40:10

The Roman Catholic Church in Benin is celebrating the 70th anniversary of the sanctuary of Notre-Dame d’Arigbo in Dassa from 16 to 18 August 2024. It is expected that more than 500,000 pilgrims will go to the Marian Grotto, where the most Catholic pilgrimage important at the moment. the country

It is a religious celebration that begins on August 16. It extends over three days at the Marian Dassa sanctuary. Pilgrims spend intense moments of prayer, praise, intercession and devotion to the Virgin Mary. The events are based on the theme: With Mary we pray for peace and unity in the world“.

They coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Grotto Marian which welcomes thousands of pilgrims from different countries every year. This platinum jubilee cave of Notre Dame d’Arigbo, which is now Marian’s place of reference of the Beninese Catholic Church, therefore special for the Catholic faithful. It is a national center with regional and even international vocation. We welcome pilgrims from Benin, Togo, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Burkina Faso and other places. Apart from the big gathering in August, there are weekly pilgrimages spread throughout the year.” , explain Father Fortuné Badou, rector of the sanctuary and vicar general of the diocese of Dassa-Zoumè. Fortuné Badou continues:

“It will be a a moment of recognition and gratitude for all that God has achieved through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Arigbo for many years for our country, and those of the sub-region, families, and for all“.

Arigbo and Lourdes caves in communion

Along with “Lady”the name “Arigbo” which comes from Yoruba “we’ll see” which means “that seeth all things; which has a panoramic view”. Therefore the Virgin Mary is situated on this hill, “and from her summit, she sees all her children wherever they are, and she draws them to herself to receive grace from her Son Jesus Christ”.

According to Father Fortuné Badou, in 1954, the year of the centenary of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, Pope Pius XII wanted all Christians to gather in Lourdes where the Virgin appeared to Saint Bernadette on February 11, 1858. Fortuné Badou explains:

Since the Dahomens then, Beninese today, could not go to Lourdes in France, Mr. Louis Parisot, Vicar Apostolic of all Dahomey, asked the priest of the Catholic mission of Dassa to find a place like Lourdes where Christians can make a pilgrimage in communion. with those of Lourdes“.

The place was therefore chosen and designed by Father Germain Boucheix. The first pilgrimage dates back to February 11, 1954 under the presidency of Mr. Louis Parisot. Since then, some devotees have become there and claim to have benefited from it many miracles : “medicine, maternity or paternity, promotion, etc.”

Read also => Assumption: 5 things to know about the festival

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