Marine Le Pen and the presidential election of 2027: “When it will no longer be Emmanuel Macron, it will be us!”

by time news

She doesn’t say it like that but you can almost guess it. June 19 was undoubtedly for Marine Le Pen the most beautiful political evening of her life. In any case, it is “the greatest victory that the national movement has known in fifty years of existence”, she says, all smiles, this Sunday afternoon on the stage of the Agde convention center. (Herault). And for good reason, it is this evening of the second round of the legislative elections that the RN won 89 seats of deputies, hoisting the formation, for the first time in its history, into the first opposition group. “Scalded cat fears cold water”, slips aside the feline lover to explain that after multiple electoral disappointments, in particular in the legislative elections of 2017, she did not dare to hope for so much.

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