Marine Le Pen and the RN will not vote for the constitutionalization of abortion

by time news

After opening the door this summer, finally the RN will not vote the constitutionalization of the right to voluntary termination of pregnancy. It was Marine Le Pen who announced it in an interview with Sunday newspaper “I don’t quite understand what danger this request must respond to. The leader of the extreme right, who has long had a very equivocal position on the subject, had hinted in June, at the time of the decision of the Supreme Court in the United States, that she could possibly join the initiatives of constitutionalization of the left and the majority. In the end, nothing will happen. It must be said that within the RN, abortion is, in itself, far from consensual.

While Emmanuel Macron has waved a threat of dissolution in private, the leader of the RN considers “that he has no interest in operating it. As it stands, it would consist of dismissing voters by telling them ” you voted, I don’t like it, so we reset the counters and we vote again. Marine Le Pen, who is not calling for early legislative elections, is not afraid either. She even considers that a dissolution could be favorable to her, perhaps even to the point of imposing a prime minister of the RN on the president. The MP for Pas-de-Calais does not, however, target Matignon, but the Elysée.

Fournas not racist but “clumsy”

She is already placing her pawns in view of 2027: “If I decide – which is not yet the case – to be a candidate again in the presidential election of 2027, it will be to preside over the country. But the conditions must be met to be the best possible candidate. “Marine Le Pen makes an appointment in three and a half years. In the meantime, the former president of the RN affirms that she will not vote for the increase of the Smic to 1,600 euros as proposed by the Nupes. No more Gérald Darmanin’s immigration law.

Finally, Marine Le Pen defended the racist arrest of Grégoire de Fournas which she certainly considers “clumsy” but on the merits “he defended the positions of the RN”. She denounces “a sacred union to prevent us from talking about immigration”. AboutOcean Vickingthe MP for Pas-de-Calais could not be clearer: “Me, president, I will not accept that these smugglers’ boats bring migrants to our country”

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