Marine Le Pen goes to Marseille, Emmanuel Macron to the Notre-Dame construction site… Live political news

by time news

Daily live. On the occasion of the presidential and legislative elections, The world holds a live daily to follow these two campaigns and their many developments. Follow-up of candidates’ movements and speeches, analysis of their proposals, chats with journalists from the World and specialists…

On the program for Friday, April 15

Press conference. The national secretary of Europe-Ecologie Les Verts (EELV), Julien Bayou, holds a press conference from Paris, five days after the first round and the missed electoral opportunity of the environmental candidate, Yannick Jadot (4.63%). Insubordinate France, which came out on top on the left in the polls, sent a letter to EELV on Thursday for an alliance in the June legislative elections.

Marseille. The day after her meeting in Avignon (Vaucluse), and on the eve of Emmanuel Macron’s meeting, which is to be held there, Marine Le Pen goes to Marseilles for a stroll through the streets of the city, where Jean- Luc Mélenchon came first in the results of the first round of the presidential election. The candidate of the National Rally, however, collected more votes than the candidate of La France insoumise on the whole of the department of Bouches-du-Rhône and the PACA region.

Our Lady. Emmanuel Macron inspects at 4:30 p.m., as President of the Republic, the site of Notre-Dame de Paris, three years to the day after the fire of the cathedral, April 15, 2019. For the candidate president, it will be also the opportunity to show the work undertaken in the light of his promise, launched as a challenge just after the fire, to rebuild the monument in five years – the deadlines will not be met, but a first mass in the nave remains scheduled for April 16, 2024.

TV news. Friday evening, Emmanuel Macron is invited to the television news of France 2, where he had undertaken to go before the second round. The channel and its journalists had deplored the refusal of the Head of State to participate in the program “Elysée 2022”, while all the other candidates had gone there in the two weeks before the first round.

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