Marine Le Pen opposes Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s proposal to grant amnesty to the condemned “yellow vests”

by time news

No question of amnesty for “yellow vests” for Marine Le Pen. Guest of Franceinfo, Monday March 21, the candidate of the National Rally castigated Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s proposal to grant amnesty to all “Condemned ‘yellow vests’”.

“There are a number of people during the ‘yellow vests’ events who are far left activists who went there to bust or bust police, to destroy public property. These people, that they have been sentenced, I’m sorry to tell you, I find it normal ”she said in particular. “There comes a time when you have to show firmness also with regard to these extreme left groups, which are moreover those who very often attack the meetings of their opponents”did she say.

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“Authoritarian drift”

This outing comes the day after the big meeting of Jean-Luc Mélenchon organized place de la République, in Paris. During his speech, the candidate of La France insoumise promised that if he is elected he “will amnesty all the condemned” yellow vests “. “This five-year term will have been that of an incredible authoritarian drift”he also lamented, citing in particular the state of emergency during “forty-four months” since 2015, the “mass surveillance” and the “police repression against the “yellow vests”. “French democracy has been severely downgraded. International alerts tell us so”he added, before specifying a little later that “ the government of the People’s Union will repair everything that can be repaired for the victims of authoritarianism: it will amnesty all yellow vests condemned”.

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In this meeting devoted to its project of VIe Republic, the rebellious candidate has undertaken to put in place measures carried by the movement which emerged on the roundabouts in the winter of 2018-2019. Mr. Mélenchon thus undertook in particular to make the « RIC »this citizens’ initiative referendum extolled by the “yellow vests”, and “to leave the elected officials who have not respected their mandate” thanks to the recall referendum, a measure already mentioned during his presidential campaign in 2017.

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