Marine Le Pen “reaches out her hand” to Marion Maréchal and sends Eric Zemmour and Jean-Luc Mélenchon back to back

by time news

It is not too late for a return to the fold: the candidate of the National Rally Marine Le Pen, declared Tuesday March 29, in an interview with the news agency Reuters, that she ” hold out your hand “ to his niece Marion Maréchal, who nevertheless chose to support his far-right opponent Eric Zemmour. ” I regret. I think it’s a mess”said Le Pen, before adding: “I hope that she will see that she was wrong and that she will come back to fight with those who have the effective, immediate capacity to act. »

The RN candidate, however, added that she tended “ the hand to all patriots. (…) Whether they come from the right, whether they come from the left,” claiming to want “form a government of national unity”. “I want us all to get together to say: ‘Here is the nation, it’s the most protective framework. How are we going to preserve this nation, to strengthen it and to give back to the sovereign people the control of their destiny. », she pleaded.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The risky bet of Marion Maréchal at Eric Zemmour

Eric Zemmour, “the counterpart of Jean-Luc Mélenchon”, according to the candidate of the RN

Marine Le Pen does not hesitate to criticize her opponents. While Eric Zemmour described his economic program as “Socialist” and invited the acting president of the RN, Jordan Bardella, to join him, during a meeting at the Trocadero on Sunday, the candidate considered that it was a question of “talk about the platform” from a candidate who has “a dated vision of France, but also a dated vision of French political life”.

“In fact, he is the counterpart of Jean-Luc Mélenchon”, she continued with reference to the left-wing candidate, given in third position in the polls, behind her and Emmanuel Macron. The common point between MM. Zemmour and Mélenchon, according to her? “They both dream of recreating this left-right divide that I think has actually disappeared over time”argued Marine Le Pen, believing that the latter has been replaced by a cleavage “between globalists and nationals”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Why Marine Le Pen wins the battle for the far right

Asked about her political future, the contender for the Elysée Palace for the third consecutive time did not rule out the idea of ​​another candidacy for the supreme magistracy, believing that we should not ” never say never “ in the matter.

“First, I still put myself in a situation to win”repeated the one who is also a member of Pas-de-Calais. “I say: “a priori, yes, I will not be a candidate again”. But you know, in politics, you should never say never. And, sometimes, history has more imagination than us.advanced the candidate, before adding:

But I also said that I would always be there to fight alongside the French people. I don’t know in what position, I don’t know in what mandate, I don’t know in what responsibility. Where, a priori, I will be the most effective.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Presidential: Marine Le Pen’s last chance in 2022

The World with Reuters

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