Marine Le Pen seizes the Constitutional Council

by time news

She had one month to challenge the decision of the National Commission for Campaign Accounts and Political Funding (CNCCFP) not to reimburse certain expenses incurred during her presidential campaign. Two days before the deadline, on January 18, Marine Le Pen appealed to the Constitutional Council, learned The world Wednesday, January 25, confirming information from Release and of The letter a.

The details of the CNCCFP’s decision are not known at this time. According to the treasurer of the National Rally (RN), Kévin Pfeffer, the amount of the “reforms” – the alterations made by the commission on the expenses or the income of the budgets presented by the candidates – would not exceed « 500 000 [euros] all-in “, without giving an exact figure. An amount far from the 873,576 euros reformed from the account of the RN candidate in 2017. That year, Marine Le Pen had contracted 827,017 euros in loans from her then party, the National Front, and from Cotelec, the microparty of Jean-Marie Le Pen, with interest rates of 6% and 6.5%. Too good a deal for its creditors, had estimated the CNCCFP – without the candidate then contesting its decision.

In 2022, it is this time on the flocking of twelve buses with the effigy of Marine Le Pen, as well as other “pretty standard stuff”, which the Commission would have raised eyebrows, according to the treasurer of the RN. Since the municipal elections of 2020, the CNCCFP considers these dressings as wild displays, strictly applying article L51 of the electoral code, according to which “any display relating to the election (…) is prohibited outside [des panneaux officiels d’affichage et] Signs (…) d’expression libre ».

“A mobile permanence”

“We believe that our bus was a mobile office. They stopped at the markets, we offered coffee inside. They did not run empty throughout France”, explains Mr. Pfeffer, who adds that his party had provisioned enough to deal with a possible refusal to reimburse the CNCCFP. The latter had already rejected the flocking of buses during the regional elections of 2021 for several heads of party lists, including Sébastien Chenu, up to 15,700 euros.

Read also (2018): Article reserved for our subscribers Marine Le Pen’s campaign expenses: largesse for its service providers and employees

The decisions of the CNCCFP concerning the other candidates for the presidential election were not challenged by them. They will be published at Official newspaper Friday January 27.

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