Mario Barth is expelled from a train for violating the mask requirement

by time news

DAccording to his own statements, the comedian Mario Barth flew out of a Deutsche Bahn train because he was not wearing a corona face mask. According to a video published by Barth, a Bahn train manager complained that the mask was missing on Friday evening in an ICE from Berlin to Frankfurt and called the federal police, who let Barth get off the train in Hanau. Barth complained about the incident, initially saying he had been drinking in his compartment and was therefore not wearing a mask.

He later admitted that in the previous recording of a live video from the train, he did not wear a mask because he thought it was not necessary in a compartment.

Incident is being investigated

A railway spokesman confirmed the process and emphasized: “Basically, there is a mask requirement on trains and this also applies to Mr. Barth. If someone just drinks or eats something, it’s not a problem. If he consistently doesn’t put on the mask, it’s one.” The incident will be investigated and the train attendant will also be heard.

The mask requirement for trains is prescribed by law because people sit together on trains for a long time and with the windows closed.

Barth speaks about the incident shortly before in a 44-minute video that he put on the Internet. The video shows how the police officers come and a short discussion begins. Barth says he drank something and that’s the only reason he didn’t wear a mask.

The police officers refer to the domiciliary rights of the railway, Barth leaves the train with his two companions and the police officers and continues to Frankfurt by taxi.

In the taxi, the comedian continues to talk and scolds Corona regulations and the train attendant who yelled at him. He also says he was sitting in a separate compartment and thought anyway “Mask has been over since April”. Then he says: “Yes, that’s right, I didn’t drink for a while and still took off the mask. Yes, I am not flawless. But I figured because the compartment was just ours with a locked door, it doesn’t matter. Now I remember too. I am in favor of anyone who makes a mistake being immediately thrown out by the police.”

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