Mario Delgado asked the PT for a special gift for AMLO’s retirement

by times news cr

The national leader of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), Mario Delgadoasked the Labor Party (PT) approve the reform of the judiciary as retirement gift to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).

This was requested during a meeting with elected deputies and senators, after it was confirmed on Friday, August 23 that his coalition will have a qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies.

Mario Delgadostill national leader of Morenarequested that in this month of September in which the new Legislature coincides and the last month of government of AMLO that and other reforms can be approved.

It would be a “great gift” even though they do not have much time and it is timed to be able to make the approvals proposed to the Constitutionhe reminded them.

“Help us this September. There will be no rest. Everything is planned minute by minute to be able to push forward the reform of the judiciary and other reforms that we want the president to take home as a great gift, as a great farewell, as a great tribute that we have to give him.”

Mario Delgado. National leader of Morena

Mario Delgado He assured that with that reform of the judiciary Justice will be “something normal” and AMLO will be remembered for these “root” changes.

“The election of judges is a fundamental element because it will be the people of Mexico who will judge the judges and the work of those who will administer justice. It is one of the great pending issues in our country. Who is opposed to it? Well, the beneficiaries of a Judicial Power that only provides justice to the powerful, but not justice for the people.”

Mario Delgado. National leader of Morena

Mario Delgado (Courtesy )

Mario Delgado recognizes INE advisors for not paying attention to the opposition’s arguments when they denounced “overrepresentation”

The Morena leader recognized the advisors of the National Electoral Institute (INE) because he said they respected the Constitution in the distribution of the plurinominal deputies.

He was grateful that his requests had no impact on the decision of the electoral advisers of the INE.

“I want to acknowledge that the electoral authorities yesterday acted in compliance with the Constitution, in accordance with what had occurred in recent years, in defining the distribution of plurinominal seats”

Mario Delgado. National leader of Morena

It should be remembered that with this in the Chamber of Deputies the National Action Party (PAN) became the third political force.

Mario Delgado: “Overrepresentation” was a tale; they have not understood what happened in 2018 and 2024

Mario Delgado He said that the opposition is a group of charlatans who still do not understand the dimension of the political consciousness of the Mexican people.

He claimed that they did not understand what happened in the 2018 presidential elections or in 2024.

And he recalled that people began to talk about “overrepresentation” but in reality it was a tale of lies and simulation.

“It is incredible how shameless right-wing groups are. How they openly lie to the people of Mexico, trying to deceive people. And they did not understand what happened in 2018 or what happened on June 2. They continue with their same strategy, with pure lies, with pure simulation.”

Mario Delgado. National leader of Morena

Mario Delgado agrees with AMLO and points to Ken Salazar as an interventionist

After the president AMLO He pointed out that the statements of the United States ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazarwere interventionists, Mario Delgado shared AMLO’s position.

He said he respects him “but not his interventionist position” since it is an issue that only Mexican citizens can discuss and define.

2024-08-25 08:43:31

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