Mario Godoy, candidate for president of the Judiciary, was not challenged – 2024-07-22 03:20:44

by times news cr

2024-07-22 03:20:44

The other candidate, Telmo Molina, was challenged by criminal lawyer Marcela Estrella Bucheli.

Mario Godoyone of the candidates for president of the Judicial Council, was not challenged at a hearing held this Monday, July 1, 2024, at the Citizen Participation Council (Cpccs) because the challengers did not attend.

Roberto Carlos Coello Fajardo and Diana Mercedes Pardo Tomala They were to present their arguments as to why Mario Godoy should not be named as the next president of the Judiciary, but due to their absences the challenges will be archived.

Andrés Fantoni, president of the Cpccs, mentioned that this situation will be taken into account when issuing the winner’s decision.

Mario Godoy He was a lawyer for Alembert Vera and Guillermo Churuchumbi.

The other applicant, Telmo Molinayes it was challenged by the criminal lawyer Marcela Estrella BucheliFor her, Molina did not meet the requirement of integrity due to alleged misconduct in the David Romo case in 2014.

The lawyer argued that Molina had authorized the death and incineration of a pig to show how David Romo had died. The candidate denied this and assured that this practice was ordered by Prosecutor’s Office.

The Plenary Session of the CPCCS will resolve, within three days, the substance of the challenge presented. If it is accepted, the candidate will be disqualified and will not be able to continue in the process.

Dunia Martínez completes the list sent by the National Court of Justice. She did not receive any objections.

Of Mario Godoy, Telmo Molina and Dunia Martinez the name to replace Álvaro Román as president of the Judicial Council will be announced.

By: Ecuavisa

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