Maritucci – juicy Italian donut filled with seasonal fruit vanilla cream and pistachio crumbs

by time news

Ingredients for 20 units

750 grams of bread flour

60 grams of fresh yeast

300 grams of water

75 grams of sugar

3.5 grams of salt

90 grams of egg yolks

50 melted butter

For serving: jam, milk jam, powdered sugar


Mix crumbled yeast, water and egg yolks in a mixer bowl.

Add the flour and sugar and process with a guitar hook until the ingredients are combined.

Add the melted butter and process until a dough is formed.

Before the end, add salt and mix several more times.

Cover with plastic wrap and let rise until doubled in volume.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of 15 mm.

Cut out the desired donut size.

Inflate again until doubled in volume.

Bake in the oven at 170 degrees (about 10 minutes, turn in the middle) or alternatively fry in deep oil.

Photo by Dina Noa Lerner

Ingredients for vanilla diplomat cream

500 grams of milk

1/2 vanilla stick

60 grams of egg yolks

120 grams of sugar

20 grams of flour

25 grams of cornflour

5 grams of gelatin

250 grams of sweet cream (for whipped cream)


Boil milk and the vanilla stick – remove the pods from the stick into the milk and leave the stick as well.

Beat the egg yolks well with the sugar.

Add to the flour and cornflour

When the milk in the pot is boiling, pour between one-third and one-half of the amount of milk into the egg yolk mixture and whisk well (comparison of temperatures).

When the sugar melts, transfer the rest of the mixture to the boiling milk. Stir vigorously throughout the cooking time.

From the moment the whole mass boils, continue to cook, stirring, for about 2 more minutes.

Ahead of time, mix gelatin with a little hot water and add to the cream while it is still hot.

Remove from the heat and immediately transfer to a clean container prepared in advance.

Go on top of the cream with butter and attach plastic wrap to the cream.

Refrigerate immediately.

Whip 250 grams of sweet cream with 10 grams of sugar until whipped cream is formed.

Soften the cold cream with a mixer (guitar hook) at medium speed.

Fold in the whipped cream.

Filling with cream and fruit

Open each donut in half (not all the way, a pocket) and heat in a baking oven.

Mix a little of the cream with the seasonal fruit of your choice (mango, strawberry).

Put some of the cream into the heated doughnut.

Cover with roasted ground pistachios and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

It is recommended to cover and keep at room temperature.

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