Marjorie de Sousa gives voice to cats for a shocking campaign: “It is very dangerous to be outside, I never know what can happen” | People | Entertainment

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The Venezuelan actress Marjorie de Sousa surprises her social media followers by sharing a painful video, in which she stars, and in which, through a campaign, she stands against animal abuse and in favor of the quality of life that Pets also deserve it, in this case, cats.

De Sousa, based in Mexico, joined PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals – a non-profit organization that defends animal rights, published People in spanish in November 2013.

On Thursday, February 1, 2024, when broadcasting the video, in which she presents the suffering that cats go through when they wander in the street, the Venezuelan asked everyone to commit to never leaving their ‘michis’ outdoors.

Marjorie de Sousa expressed that these pets do not deserve to go through uncertainty, rain, or danger. “Make a promise to take care of them like family!” she invited.

Tips to take care of your cats and keep them healthy

Dramatic message

Don’t hurt the “michis”. Photo: A. Liendo Photo: PanoSoporte

Marjorie, with her face, one arm and one of her hands covered in makeup, simulating a run-over cat, says in the critical and painful video:

“They call me maladjusted and I suppose that means I did something bad, something they didn’t like, because, although I want to be at home with my family, they leave me out all the time and it scares me.

And when it rains, I get soaked. Some days are very hot and I can’t find a space where I can cool off.

Yesterday, some evil humans chased me, threw bottles at me, kicked me and I don’t know why, because I didn’t do anything to them.

I’m lucky to have been saved. I escaped.

But many of my friends have died in a terrible way. One was hit by a car, I saw it all and it was horrible.

Another friend of mine got poisoned from eating something from a human that we thought was good. I watched how much she suffered, I watched her die and I couldn’t do anything to help her.

I know many cats that have also gotten sick and many of them never got better.

It is very dangerous to be outside, I never know what can happen.

(…) I wish my family would protect me by keeping me inside the house, where I am safe.”

PETA talks about cats

De Sousa joined PETA’s campaign in favor of sterilizing dogs and cats in November 2023.

PETAon its website, reported that “wandering freely outdoors can be deadly for cats.”

According to veterinary experts, “the majority of outdoor cat deaths (60%) are caused by trauma, the most common being hit by cars.”

When left unattended outside, “cats are also at increased risk for health threats such as feline leukemia, feline immunodeficiency virus (feline AIDS), feline infectious peritonitis, toxoplasmosis, distemper, heartworm, and rabies.”

They noted that cats are happier and healthier when they are safe, which means living indoors. “If your feline friend is eager to explore outdoors, you can give him the opportunity to do so under supervision,” they said.

One of Taylor Swift’s cats is wealthier than you: the feline is valued at $97 million

Reactions on social networks to a campaign to take care of cats

Reina Hinojosa: “Excellent campaign”

Raquel Gómez: “My God, how I cry watching this painful video. Thank you for being the voice of the most defenseless.”

@yardel_va: “Thank you for joining us to protect our michis who suffer harm from heartless people.”

Geraldine Baptista: “I couldn’t finish watching it (video) it hurts so much to be treated like this when what they give is so much love.”

Alicia Jiménez: “Thank you for raising your voice for them. They are wonderful beings who deserve all our love and respect.”

Gabriela Venegas: “I love it, it’s about time they did a campaign for kittens.” (AND)

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