Marlène Schiappa, Jean-Michel Blanquer, Barbara Pompili… The figures of the Castex government who have not been renewed

by time news
Jean-Michel Blanquer and Marlène Schiappa, December 9, 2020. (Photo Alain JOCARD / AFP)

Some were announced on departure, others wanted to turn the page of ministerial responsibilities. All marked the first five-year term of Emmanuel Macron. Several heavyweights from Jean Castex’s government were not reappointed to the first government team led by Elisabeth Borne announced on Friday May 20. Among them: Barbara Pompili, Jean-Michel Blanquer, Julien Denormandie, Marlène Schiappa, Jean-Yves Le Drian or even Florence Parly.

In addition to these personalities, sixteen other ministers and secretaries of state were not renewed: Roselyne Bachelot (culture), Annick Girardin (sea), Frédérique Vidal (higher education and research), Elisabeth Moreno (equality, diversity), Emmanuelle Wargon (housing), Jean-Baptiste Djebbari (transport), Roxana Maricineanu (sports), Geneviève Darrieussecq (veterans), Nadia Hai (city), Sophie Cluzel (handicap), Bérengère Abba (ecological transition), Sarah El Haïry (youth) , Cédric O (digital), Laurent Pietraszewski (pensions), Joël Giraud (rurality) and Adrien Taquet (childhood and family).

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Barbara Pompili gives way to ecological transition

She had succeeded in establishing herself as a heavyweight of macronie by embodying her environmentalist wing, but disappeared from the government team when Emmanuel Macron wanted to press the accelerator on the environmental transition.

If some regularly liked to question his loyalty to the head of state, Mme Pompili was the first member of Bernard Cazeneuve’s government, at the end of François Hollande’s five-year term, to support candidate Emmanuel Macron in March 2017.

Aged 46, the former environmentalist deputy carried the Climate law in 2021 after a citizens’ convention. His biggest feat of arms but also a symbol of the great Macronian gap on ecology. Co-pilot of In common, a small party of the left wing of the majority, she is a candidate for the legislative elections in the Somme.

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Jean-Michel Blanquer retires on a longevity record

After a five-year term on rue de Grenelle – a record under the Ve Republic –, Jean-Michel Blanquer can boast of having driven the reform of the baccalaureate, the splitting of CP and CE1 classes in priority education areas, and of having worked to keep schools open as much as possible despite the Covid.

He also had to manage the assassination of Samuel Paty, this history-geography professor beheaded in October 2020.

But « techno », criticized for its rigidity and its immoderate taste for communication, arouses mistrust and even rejection from a large part of the teaching world and the left. Claimed opponent of “wokism” and “Islamo-leftism”, he seeks to continue the political adventure by launching into the battle for the legislative elections in the Loiret.

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Julien Denormandie wants to devote himself to his family

Faithful from the first hour of Emmanuel Macron, Julien Denormandie had been Minister of Agriculture and Food since July 2020 after having held the positions of Minister in charge of the city and housing and Secretary of State to the Minister of territorial cohesion since 2017.

Much appreciated by the agricultural world, this 40-year-old, a bridge, water and forest engineer by training, was less popular among ecologists, who criticized him for being only the spokesperson for the FNSEA and agro-industry. .

Regularly announced as a possible successor to Alexis Kohler, the all-powerful secretary general of the Elysée, Mr. Denormandie has however announced that he wants to devote more time to his family.

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Jean-Yves Le Drian, the departure of the grognard from the Quai d’Orsay

After ten years in the executive, five as Minister of Defense under Hollande, then five at the Quai d’Orsay, the dean of the government, 74, hangs up in the midst of an international crisis. Coming from the socialist party, this baron of politics in Brittany, nicknamed the “menhir”, was number two in the government.

Fight against jihadists in Iraq, Syria and Mali, diplomatic rupture with Bamako, submarine crisis with Australia, global pandemic, invasion of Ukraine by Russia: Mr. Le Drian had to face the rise of tensions in international level against the background of the crisis of multilateralism.

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Florence Parly leaves the armies in the middle of the war in Ukraine

Aged 59, Florence Parly unsurprisingly leaves the Ministry of the Armed Forces, which she had been leading since 2017. Secretary of State for the Budget under Lionel Jospin from 2000 to 2002, this discreet personality fought tenaciously for a strong increase in the means of the armies. In recent months, it has had to deal with the fiasco over the mega-contract for French submarines with Australia, the withdrawal of the “Barkhane” force from Mali, and the war in Ukraine.

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Marlène Schiappa, the departure of a media figure

In office as Secretary of State in charge of equality between women and men and the fight against discrimination, at the time of the #metoo wave, Marlène Schiappa had held the position of Minister Delegate to the Minister since the summer of 2020. of the interior, in charge of citizenship.

Media figure of Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term for his commitment against sexual and gender-based violence, however, she saw her star fade after her visit to Beauvau in the shadow of Gérald Darmanin. She has published several books, including Is that a good situation, Minister? the latest.

The World with AFP

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