TRENTO. On the Marmolada, the Queen of the Dolomitesit’s a hunt for abandoned waste. Cans, tins, tissues, plastic, leftovers from plates, plastic and metal cutlery, bottle caps, pieces of glass, cigarettes, and even fragments and technical materials, pieces of iron and rubble. There are about 400 abandoned waste items of every kind and shape, some dating back to the First World War, others to the ’70s and ’80s to the present day, found and collected along the path that leads to the Marmolada glacier by the team of Glacier Caravan 2024the national campaign by Legambiente that monitors Alpine glaciers in collaboration with Ciprea Italia and with the scientific partnership of the Italian Glaciological Committee.
Among the oldest waste, a bullet and lead shrapnel pellets dating back to the First World War. Among the most found, over a hundred cans and tins from 100 to 50 years old, followed by handkerchiefs and plastic.
Also found along the path leading to the Marmolada glacier three mini-landfills. Carovana dei glaciai opened its sixth and final stop in Trentino Alto Adige with a Clean un up activity at altitude on the Marmolada as part of and in view of the great September weekend of Puliamo il Mondo. Alongside it, several volunteers who participated in the cleaning day yesterday and also a professor from the University of Padua who since 2022 has started a study and monitoring of waste in the mountains and who has welcomed Legambiente’s initiative.
“The Queen of the Dolomites is the victim of human neglect.
The mountain must be protected but also respected. When you go up to high altitudes you need more attention and environmental awareness, because the traces we leave today will mark these places for years with impacts on the environment and biodiversity”, writes Legambiente.
The Clean up at altitude carried out on the Marmolada by Carovana dei Ghirai joins the great environmental volunteer campaign Puliamo il Mondo by Legambiente which on 20, 21 and 22 September will call together citizens and volunteers from all over the Peninsula to clean up streets, squares, but also beaches, river banks and mountain areas from abandoned waste.
2024-09-09 18:33:04