Maro Douka is a candidate in the European elections with the New Left

by time news

The important Greek prose writer, Maro Doukas, is included in the European ballot of the New Left, as announced in a video on social media by the president of K.O. of the party, Alexis Haritsis.

At the same time, the party’s latest nominations were announced:

  • Ali Ali : IT specialist
  • Efi Yiannopoulou: Translator, editor of publications
  • Duke Maro: author
  • Theodoridou Danai: Artist and researcher of contemporary performing arts
  • Karameris Dimitris: Employee at LARCO
  • Karamesini Maria: University professor, former administrator of OAED
  • Karpozilos Kostis: Historian
  • Bakas Spyros: School mediator of Roma communities, Journalism student
    Paradellis Theodoros: University student
  • Stefanopoulou Tasia: Doctor-pathologist
  • Sygeniotou Margarita: Lyric singer, trade unionist
  • Toskas Lazaros: Member of the movement against gold-copper mining in Skouries of Halkidiki, former regional councilor of Central Macedonia
  • Tselepi Anneta: Civil Engineer, self-employed
  • Hatzinikolaou Korina: Assistant Professor of Developmental Psychopathology, AUTH

In the previous days, the New Left had announced 18 new nominations for the European elections of June 9:

  • Zoe Akrivoulis, economist, member of the Board of Larissa Chamber of Commerce
  • Maria Giannakaki, historian – internationalist
  • Yannis Kalomenidis, professor of Pulmonology, School of Medicine, EKPA. Evangelismos Hospital
  • Filimon Karamitsos, journalist
  • Aliki Katsaros, archivist & librarian – MA Cultural Heritage, freelance
  • Dimitra Keramydas, lawyer dedicated to socially oriented defense law
  • Andreas Kontarakis, hall manager, film distributor
  • Nadia Kouloubi, doctor – endocrinologist
  • Athanasia Kymigeli, PhD candidate of the Athens School of Law / AADE collection controller
  • Petros Lymberakis, Doctor of Ecology. Natural History Museum of Crete – University of Crete (MFIK-PK)
  • Nikitas Mylopoulos, professor of Integrated Water Resources Management, University of Thessaly
  • Olga Nassi, anthropologist
  • Akis Sakisloglou, journalist
  • Ino Siozou, specialist in energy policy and environment
  • Giorgos Stathakis, university professor, pr. Minister
  • Nikos Filis, journalist, former MP and Minister of Education
  • Petros Filippou, former mayor of Saronikos, former deputy regional governor of Eastern Attica
  • Katerina Florou, PhD candidate, working with a pad

At the end of March, the first names of the party’s European ballot were made public. Among them are Gavriil Sakellaridis, Stelios Kouloglou, NASA researcher Natasha Romanou.

The candidates:

  • Themis Amblas, GSEE board member, president of the Federation of Transport Trade Unions of Greece
  • Ifigenia Kamtsidou, if. Professor of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law, A.U.Th
  • Babis Kasimis, professor at the Department of Agricultural Economy and Rural Development of the Agricultural University of Athens. Former Secretary General of Agricultural Policy and Community Resource Management of the Ministry of Rural Development
  • Stelios Kouloglou, journalist, MEP
  • Antonis Bogris, researcher, professor at the University of Western Attica in the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering. He has been a consultant to the Ministry of Education
  • Latif Darwish, university professor, representative of the Palestinian Authority
  • Natasha Romanou, NASA researcher in Model Oceanography and Climate. She teaches as an adjunct professor at Columbia University in New York
  • Katerina Sarantis, paratriathlon champion
  • Gavriil Sakellaridis, economist, head of political planning of the New Left
  • Elena Olga Christidis, psychologist, LGBTI+ activist, was scientific co-responsible for Orlando LGBT+

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