Maroantsetra and Mananara-Nord: a 24th region claimed

by time news

2023-06-05 10:28:46

Maroantsetra and Mananara-Nord will soon become a region in their own right. Last weekend, Andry Rajoelina during his trip to the North-East part affirmed that he was immediately taking the necessary steps for these two districts to obtain this status. This administrative division if ratified by the parliament will thus give birth to the 24th region of Madagascar.

This project will be submitted during the current parliamentary session, says Andry Rajoelina, visibly in a hurry. In other words, he wants this region to be created before the end of his mandate. This project is led by Senator Eric Besoa, also an influential economic operator in the Analanjirofo region. The districts of Maroantsetra and Mananara North are currently part of the Analanjirofo region but Eric Besoa says this structure is not appropriate. He gave as an example the difficulties of movement of the inhabitants of the two districts to reach Fenérive-Est, the capital of the Analanjirofo region.

It must also be said that the stakes are high. Maroantsetra and Mananara Nord are known for their practice of cash cropping (first producer of cloves which covers more than 50% of farmers’ income, second producer of vanilla) and the cultivation of tropical fruits (lychee, bananas). The two districts are full of mineral wealth: beryl, gold, world-famous quartz, which earned the area of ​​Mananara-Nord and Maroantsetra its former name Ambatosoa. An appellation that Eric Besoa wishes to restore with this new division.

In 2021, another administrative division gave birth to the 23rd region of Madagascar resulting from the split of the Vatovavy-Fitovinany region. At the beginning, this division was questioned by a segment of the population and certain deputies, particularly in relation to the stakes of grabbing land rich in minerals and cash crops as well as ethnic questions, but it was finally carried out. Deputies close to the regime, originating from the southern part of the island, also asked for the creation of a 24th region at home, but the authorities did not follow up on their request.

#Maroantsetra #MananaraNord #24th #region #claimed

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