Marrakech: The FNAP, a renewed immersion in the heart of the centuries-old heritage of the Kingdom

by times news cr

A flagship event placed under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, this Festival, one of the oldest in Morocco, is an incandescent tribute to the national tangible and intangible heritage, so rich and diversified, and is intended to illustrate the efforts made in favor of the preservation and transmission to posterity of an entire incomparable heritage and civilizational legacy.

A heritage which clearly reflects the richness, authenticity and diversity of a great Nation, a Morocco strong in its roots, its belonging and its diversity in unity.

Fruit of a partnership between the Grand Atlas Association, the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, the FNAP, which enjoys the support of the wilaya of the Marrakech-Safi region, the Marrakech Region Council -Safi, of the Municipal Council and the Commune of Mechouar Kasbah, constitutes “an exceptional and essential showcase” and “a solemn moment” to celebrate an integral part of the plural national identity.

A source of pride for all, the FNAP, placed this year under the theme of “Eternal Rhythms and Symbols”, brings together until July 8, a host of artists, including 600 from the four corners of the Kingdom to celebrate in Marrakech, in the jubilation and conviviality, the singularity of the centuries-old heritage of a country which, under the enlightened leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, continues its path on the path of modernity and progress while preserving its authenticity.

It is, of course, a major cultural and artistic event, designed to highlight the diversity and richness of Moroccan artistic heritage, with this firm desire to strengthen the links between generations in familiarizing young people with the treasures of Moroccan folk art.

This means that the FNAP, through captivating performances, offers an exceptional showcase of indigenous talents and their abundant creativity.

Likewise, this magical Festival, beyond its symbolic and cultural dimension, gives the Ocher City, the Kingdom’s leading tourist destination, a very particular charm due to the economic dynamic that it creates in particular, during this summer period when the city ​​of the seven Saints experiences a large influx of visitors from all over the world.

In the opinion of the initiators of the FNAP, “Eternal Rhythms and Symbols” is not just a theme, but an invitation to delve into the living history of Morocco, a celebration of national identity through music, dance , singing, and crafts. “The festival thus becomes an ode to the transmission of know-how and stories that have spanned the ages, underlining the crucial importance of the conservation and promotion of these cultural expressions.”

And to continue that the preservation of traditional arts is a quest for dialogue between the past and the present. “In a rapidly changing world, where cultures intersect and influence each other, it is essential to keep alive these practices which define Moroccan identity,” they believe.

Without a doubt, by managing to keep a place of choice on the chessboard of major festivals on a national scale, the National Festival of Popular Arts has given itself this noble mission of contributing to the preservation of these priceless treasures, by ensuring their sustainability and by making them accessible to all, in particular to Moroccan youth, leaders of the future.

The proof of this resounding success is the enthusiasm generated, from one edition to the next, for this festival which graciously offers everyone the opportunity to celebrate this precious heritage, while allowing it to shed light on the square. centrality that these arts occupy in the hearts of Moroccans as well as their potential to move and inspire beyond borders.

In other words, Morocco, as a land of peace, but also of confluences, is proud to offer everyone a cultural panorama that is as rich as it is diverse. Each region of the Kingdom carries a unique heritage that manifests itself through captivating songs and synchronized dances, constantly offering a taste of discovery.

A discovery and an opening also internationally, to the traditions, dances and songs of artistic troupes, from other places as is the case during this edition, for artists from China, Indonesia or again from Burkina Faso.

In short, as part of this festival, it is about appreciating energetic dances and artistic expressions rooted in the depths of the ages, explain the organizers, noting that these traditions, transmitted from generation to generation, are more than a simple memory, they are the living breath of a community which celebrates life with passion and creativity.

On the different stages set up in several corners of Marrakech, notably at the Royal Theater, at the legendary Place de Jemaâ El Fna, at Park El Harti, or even for the first time at the Bahia Palace to host the “Thematic Evenings”, the folklore comes to life in an explosion of colors and sounds, where the rhythm of tambourines matches the cadence of feet striking the earth, and where voices are raised to tell stories woven from myths and reality.

The shows offer a striking visual scene, mirroring a society which, while modernizing, preciously preserves the echoes of its past. All this to say that Moroccan art, in all its splendor and singularity, remains forever a pillar of national identity, an indelible bond that unites hearts around the immutable essence of their ancestral and authentic heritage.

2024-10-01 10:33:29

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