“Marriage Market” – Stella fumbles wildly: “Handjobs are just part of it” | Entertainment

by time news

2023-09-08 00:16:59

Now it’s getting wild…

In the dating adventure “The Marriage Market” (ProSieben), there was a lot of fumbling before the big finale. Two couples let their feelings run wild under the covers. Even the TV cameras couldn’t interfere.

In the show, singles are paired up by their relatives. Everyone lives together during this time and can get to know each other better. A concept that seems to work for these two: Stella (24) and Julius (24) came together in the last episode. At first he couldn’t handle her openness.

Presenter Annemarie Carpendale leads through the new flirt show

Photo: ProSieben / Richard Hübner

The Düsseldorf native is a real party animal and doesn’t let anything go wrong. She revealed to the Munich resident: “I’m definitely not an innocent lamb.” Stella about one-night stands: “I’m a professional at that.”

Alena, Julius and Flocke (from left) in episode three

Photo: ProSieben/Richard Hübner

The fact that she has a much older ex at her young age also put Julius off. He therefore decided: “I will definitely not have sex with her here.” But his plan was quickly forgotten!

Hot first night

Already on the first night there was wild smooching. And it didn’t stop there. In the current episode, the lovebirds went one better. Both of them could hardly keep their hands off each other.

The sheets in the bedroom glowed. Stella in particular showed her chosen one what he might be able to look forward to every night in the future. The next day she revealed about the fumbling with a broad grin: “Handjobs are just part of it. And we thought we hid ourselves so well.” The spark obviously ignited here.

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The Zoff couple on the dating show is also getting closer and closer. Juliette (22) and Jay Jay (33) had a very difficult start. He turned out to be macho, nagged at her clothing style and was annoying with constant jealousy. But the chemistry is right in bed. Juliette’s dad strictly forbade sex on TV. His daughter suspects with a guilty conscience: “He won’t like the fact that something has been groped around.”

Daniel and Juliette now seem to understand each other

Photo: ProSieben / Richard Hübner

Petra, Daniel, Alex, Juliette and Ali (from left)

Photo: ProSieben / Richard Hübner

The father of newcomer Celine (22) took immediate action. She was recently married to Lukas (23). As a precaution, there was a box with lubricant and condoms in the bedroom, which dad Guido (55) courageously took and hid. His little daughter shouldn’t even have any stupid thoughts. An action for which he apologized the next day.

How serious the candidates are about their feelings will become clear next week. In the finale, everyone has to decide whether they want to continue getting to know each other at home.

#Marriage #Market #Stella #fumbles #wildly #Handjobs #part #Entertainment

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