Marseille: a security guard at a vaccination center attacked with a knife

by time news

This Thursday morning, the guard of a municipal vaccination center was seriously injured with a knife in Marseille, by a man in his fifties who was arrested, but the terrorist motive is not privileged, specified the Marseilles public prosecutor’s office. The vital prognosis of the security guard, stabbed in the shoulder and hit in an artery, is engaged, said the same source in a press release, confirming initial information from BMF Marseille.

The investigation in flagrante delicto opened for “attempted homicide” was entrusted to the Departmental Security, no element allowing “for the moment” to direct it “on a terrorist motive”, insisted the prosecution.

The attack occurred between 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., in front of a vaccination center located in downtown Marseille (5th arrondissement). In February, this municipal center had been targeted by anti-vaccine tags accompanied by messages implicating caregivers.

The circumstances of the tragedy still unknown

The attacker, aged 55, “was in the queue outside the vaccination center” when, “for a reason still unknown, he grabbed a knife, walked towards the security guard and hit him in the shoulder, hitting an artery, ”detailed the prosecution.

The man in question, “unfavorably known to the police”, with 14 convictions to his credit, the last of which – for “acts of rebellion” – dates back to 2014, was “placed in police custody in the moments following the assault. Still according to the prosecution, he would present “psychological disorders”.

The health assistant (and former mayor of Marseille), Michèle Rubirola, went there as did Yannick Ohanessian, assistant for public tranquility. For the time being, the international vaccination center is closed, explains La Provence.

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