Martine Lunde was voted out:

by time news

On 23 February, TV 2’s new major venture “The Game” broke loose. There, the twelve participants are transported to a secret destination, without knowing who the others are and which rules apply.

– At some point it’s over

Already in the first episode, actress Anette Hoff (62) and former footballer Erik Thorstvedt (61) were voted out, which made the others think they were out of the game. On the contrary, they are still part of it – just down in the basement.

And there will be more.

FIGHTING: There is one person in particular Martine Lunde was annoyed by in “The Game”. Reporter: Liv Malin Skodje Video: Rød Løper / Liv Malin Skodje Video: TV 2 Show more

There is no doubt that influencer Martine Lunde (28) became a major threat among the other participants when it emerged that she chose the highest sum among the cards they could choose in a task. She quickly became a target, and on Sunday she was sent down to the basement with the other two participants.

Lunde told Dagbladet that she was prepared that her time on the top floor could be over.

– I realized that I was in the danger zone. At the same time, I thought we were in control, and that our voices would be able to save me. I see now that I should have bought votes, but I felt it was a bit early to play so hard.

Made demands according to this

She continues:

– I had a suspicion all day, but towards elimination I started to feel a bit safer because Danby thought we were in control. But I shouldn’t trust him, she laughs.

Little did Lunde know that the gambling adventure was not over after all. When asked what she thought when she was taken down to the basement, she replies:

CRIES: In the first episode of the new reality show “The Game”, Anette Hoff experiences some unpleasant feelings. Reporter: Liv Malin Skodje Video: Rød Løper / Liv Malin Skodje Video: TV 2 Show more

– I was shocked when I entered the basement. I thought I had ended up in the production lunchroom. When I found out we were going to live there I panicked because there were no windows, there were festival doves right by our beds and all we had to do was sort beans. I’m really restless, so I was one hundred percent sure when I ended up in the basement that I was never going to make it for 4 days.

Complete confusion

– You talked a bit about how you used to scroll on TikTok until you fell asleep, but in the basement you got up and sorted beans/lentils. Did it become a bit like the new TikTok for you?

– The night I ended up in the basement it was bean sorting that got me through the night. I had so many thoughts and my brain didn’t stop working, so every now and then the prayers helped a lot. But I don’t think I’d trade TikTok for beans here at home, she says.

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