Martinez in favor of “renewable strikes” against an executive who “plays arm wrestling”

by time news

“The Prime Minister and the President of the Republic encourage us to go even further,” said the secretary general of the CGT.

The CGT does not want to bend, and even plans to harden the movement. In the aftermath of a historic day of demonstrations against the pension reform, Philippe Martinez declared this Wednesday morning to be in favor of “renewable strikes».

«The Prime Minister and the President of the Republic encourage us to go there even more“, Estimated the secretary general of the CGT on France Inter. Whereas “the number of demonstrators increases, they say: “it will not make us change course”. They are the ones who play the balance of power, the showdown“, he judged. Invited to France 2 shortly before, Olivier Dussopt acknowledged that Tuesday’s mobilization, which brought together 1.27 million people in the streets according to the Ministry of the Interior, had been “very important». «It must lead us to always continue to explain, to try to convince“said the Minister of Labor.

«The government, by dint of minimizing discontent, we will have to move up a gear“, declared Philippe Martinez on the antenna of the public radio, specifying to have”always said» be in favor of a renewable strike on this issue. But “it’s not Martinez or Berger who decide, it’s the employees“, he noted.

For the CGT leader, “there is a need to think about the notion of strike and renewable strikeis because unions mustlearning lessons from 2010“. At the time, fourteen days of demonstrations had been organized, spread over several months, at the call of all the main unions – as today – to protest against the pension reform carried out by Éric Woerth and which aimed to raise the starting age of 60 to 62 years. Without the mobilization failing the government of Nicolas Sarkozy.

HAVE ALSO – Strike of January 31: the government “does not know the reality of the job”, castigates Martinez in the procession

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