Martinez Zogo case in Cameroon: The order that shocks and outrages! – 2024-03-11 00:27:36

by times news cr

2024-03-11 00:27:36

The legal drama surrounding the assassination of journalist Martinez Zogo has just experienced a new twist which has the effect of a bomb. In a relentless demonstration published by the newspaper “La Nouvelle”, an emeritus magistrate dissects point by point the inconsistencies and gray areas which mar the referral order issued on February 29, 2024 by investigating judge Nzie Pierrot Narcisse. A true indictment which exposes the maneuvers of a justice system under orders, ready to do anything to stifle the truth and whitewash the sponsors of this odious crime.

An investigating judge who turns his coat around ????‍⚖️????

From the first visas of the order, the magistrate author of this article raises the inconsistencies which support the thesis of manipulation in high places. How can we explain that this long-awaited order was issued on the same day as the government commissioner’s final indictment, in defiance of all procedural rules? And what can we say about these specious charges, this biased presentation of the facts which seem to have only one goal: to allow the sponsors of this crime to get away with it?

But the most shocking thing in this order is undoubtedly this vague thesis of a “second commando” who would have intervened to complete the dirty work, and thus exonerate the first torturers from any responsibility in the death of Martinez Zogo. A construction which is not based on any tangible element, but on simple assumptions, in total violation of the most basic principles of criminal law. All without the judge deigning to specify the exact nature of the abuse inflicted by each of the alleged “ commandos“, nor the motives which could have pushed these mysterious killers in the shadows to commit their crime.

When complicity suits the affairs of the powerful ????????

Another glaring anomaly noted by this magistrate: the systematic use of the notion of complicity, rather than that of co-action, although it is much more adapted to the facts of the case. A choice which is not insignificant, and which clearly aims to minimize the responsibility of those who ordered this assassination, by presenting them as simple “ accomplices » rather than as the real masterminds of this criminal scheme. Everything is good to cover the tracks and mislead public opinion, even if it means violating the most basic rules of criminal law.

Money, the nerve of the legal war ????????

Because this business of perverting justice has a price, and it is counted in millions. As this magistrate reveals in great detail, money flows freely to buy silence, corrupt judicial actors and manipulate public opinion. Journalists and bloggers paid handsomely to sing the praises of sponsors, magistrates and lawyers transformed into “ briefcase smugglers », and even hierarchs at the highest summit of the State who turn a blind eye to these repeated attacks on the independence of justice. A real state scandal which says a lot about the degree of rottenness of our institutions.

Justice must stand up again, or Cameroon will falter ????️????????

Faced with this worrying drift, the author of this vitriolic charge calls for a start from honest judicial actors. It is time for Cameroonian justice to stand up again, stop being hostage to the powerful and remember that it rules in the name of the people, and not particular interests. Otherwise, the entire social and political structure of Cameroon risks tottering on its foundations, carried away by the anger of a population which can no longer tolerate injustice and impunity.

As always, your reference online media will continue to follow this burning issue with the greatest attention. With in-depth analyses, shattering revelations and uncompromising decryption, we will be on the front line to inform you of the latest developments in this judicial soap opera which is shaking Cameroon to its highest levels. Because in this affair, as in so many others, it is the thirst for truth and justice of an entire people that is at stake.

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